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The independent student newspaper of Northeastern University

The Huntington News

The independent student newspaper of Northeastern University

The Huntington News

The independent student newspaper of Northeastern University

The Huntington News


The antiquated American education system must be overhauled.

Op-ed: Why the American education system is failing us

Jack Trapp, contributor January 26, 2021

Think back to your elementary school days. What were your lessons like? What were you taught? If you grew up in the United States, you’ll most likely recall the Pledge of Allegiance, followed by classes in the three R’s: reading, ’riting and ’rithmetic. Your classroom...


Op-ed: Beyond Roe v. Wade

Sydney Somerville, contributor January 20, 2021

Last year, in October, Amy Coney Barrett, a conservative Catholic judge, was confirmed to the United States Supreme Court. In the following days, my news feed was dominated by articles about the landmark supreme court case Roe v. Wade which legalized abortion, a procedure Barrett...

The Uyghurs, native to the Xinjiang Region in Northwestern China, are facing unprecedented persecution from the Chinese Communist Party.

Op-ed: This holiday season, I remember the plights of my native Uyghur people

Kaiser Mejit, contributor December 11, 2020

I spent this Thanksgiving at home, responding to holiday greetings from my friends and reflecting after I read this op-ed detailing how poetry is keeping my native Uyghur culture alive. On one hand, the bittersweet op-ed soured my holiday mood, but on the other hand, it reminded...

Some students are opposed to implementing a universal pass/fail system this semester.

Op-ed: Northeastern shouldn’t implement a universal pass/fail grading system

Katie Mogg, contributor December 8, 2020

This year has been exceptionally stressful and emotionally exhausting, so the extra pressure to excel in school may seem like the last thing the Northeastern community needs. In conjunction with this sentiment, Northeastern’s Student Government Association unanimously passed...

President Donald J. Trump has set new precedents during his term.

Op-ed: An enlightening four years

Jonas D. Ruzek, contributor December 7, 2020

By blatantly breaking from some of the United States’ most fundamental precedents and laws, President Donald J. Trump has unwittingly taught us what a president can and cannot do.  Perversely, and perhaps ironically, we have been reminded of rules by his rule-breaking,...

Increased polarization in recent years have rung alarms for many about the political fate of our country.

Op-ed: Polarization is the inevitable fate of the two-party system

Mia Merchant, contributor December 7, 2020

It’s what George Washington warned against in his farewell address: the bitter partisan divides and false loyalties as a result of our opposing parties have come true. But Washington anticipated fights over country loyalties, involvement in wars and petty political games. Today,...

Americans across the country protested against racial injustice.

Column: The views of the far-left are rooted in good merits; those of the far-right are not

George LaBour, columnist December 6, 2020

I’m friends with communists and socialists, and they are some of the most kind-hearted people I know. I’ve never met a fascist I liked one bit. In a recently published Huntington News op-ed, the author wrote that if someone you know is leaning more towards the extreme...

The Northeastern administration has not implemented a pass/fail system this semester.

Op-ed: Northeastern should implement universal pass/fail

Edith Olmsted, contributor December 3, 2020

Universal opt-in pass/fail is the correction to NUflex’s failures.  Pass/fail, the system by which students can forgo a formal letter grade and either pass or fail a class, is just as necessary now as it was when Northeastern offered it in the spring semester. The problems...

The polling industry is under scrutiny after the results of many races in the 2020 U.S. election diverged widely from its predicted outcome.

Column: Dear media outlets, your polls have failed the American public for far too long

Madison Boudreau Popovic, columnist December 2, 2020

As the presidential election comes to a close, we have an astronomical problem on our hands. As readers and viewers of the news, we always see a tsunami of polls every election cycle. Throughout the 2016 and 2020 elections, polls routinely predicted a victory for the Democratic...

A vaccine is almost ready to be distributed to the public, but significant social barriers remain.

Op-ed: A COVID-19 vaccine is almost ready. We need to convince the American public to take it.

Lucas Cooperman, contributor December 2, 2020

When the coronavirus began to ravage the United States this past March, Americans were largely caught by surprise and had to play catch-up in order to slow the deadly virus’ spread. We needed a plan, and we did not have one.  The drastic lack of governmental precautions...

Social media has become an influential political platform.

Column: Social media influence in a digital age

Taylor Hsu, columnist December 1, 2020

Social media has become fully integrated into both our lives and society. The rise of social media activism has not just expanded the possibilities for direct communication or activism across international borders, but simultaneously provided a platform for political constituents...

Some question the sincerity of activism performed by large companies.

Op-ed: Fast fashion companies need to stop hiding behind performance activism

Maeve Singer, contributor November 25, 2020

In the months leading up to the 2020 U.S. election, social media apps I regularly use aggressively encouraged young people to exercise their right to vote. These apps provided links to voter registration websites and directions to the nearest polling stations. Some companies...