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The independent student newspaper of Northeastern University

The Huntington News

The independent student newspaper of Northeastern University

The Huntington News

The independent student newspaper of Northeastern University

The Huntington News


Column: More than 350 were killed during Ramadan, and we barely noticed

Column: More than 350 were killed during Ramadan, and we barely noticed

July 6, 2016
Ramadan is about righteousness. Ramadan is about learning to empathize with the suffering of others. Ramadan is about stripping down the material parts of yourself to bring forth kindness and devotion. Ramadan is about family.
Gwen Schanker, Editorial Columnist

Column: Interdisciplinary research a collaborative effort

June 29, 2016
As a person who prides herself on having a strong vocabulary, I have always had a particular interest in unusual adjectives. Some of my favorites include pompous, effervescent and volatile. In the past three years of my college career, the term interdisciplinary has loomed large, particularly since my studies combine two very different disciplines: Biology and communications.
Brexit vote a reflection of global racism

Brexit vote a reflection of global racism

June 28, 2016
Last week’s Brexit vote was sharply divided: 52 percent of U.K. residents voted to leave the European Union, while 48 percent voted to remain. It’s worth noting the demographic discrepancies. More young people voted to remain; older citizens voted to leave. More educated people voted to remain; those with lower levels of education voted to leave.
Illustration by David London

Cartoon: Make Way For Goslings

June 15, 2016

News illustration by David London.

Column: No words for the tragedy in Orlando

Column: No words for the tragedy in Orlando

June 15, 2016
There is no way this column could be focused on anything but the tragedy in Orlando. When 49 people are murdered and 53 more are injured at an LGBTQA+ club for nothing more than existing at the wrong place at the wrong time, all other topics and problems and discussions fall to the wayside. This was the deadliest shooting in United States history, and not writing about it would be almost disrespectful. But what is there to say?
Shooting an opportunity for solidarity

Shooting an opportunity for solidarity

June 15, 2016
Last Saturday saw thousands celebrating LGBTQA+ pride at City Hall Plaza, despite spitting rain and a handful of wildly outnumbered protesters ordering the celebrators to repent and give up their sinful lifestyles. Rainbow balloon arches and colorful outfits outshined the gray day.
Gwen Schanker, Editorial Columnist

Column: Climate change communication crucial

June 8, 2016
About two months ago, when I was getting ready to register for fall classes and face the fact that my co-op couldn’t last forever, I stumbled upon a journalism elective titled “Climate Change Communication, Energy Politics and Journalism.” As an aspiring scientific communicator, I was immediately intrigued and emailed the professor, Matthew Nisbet, asking for a class description. Nisbet, who is the editor-in-chief of the Oxford Encyclopedia of Climate Change Communication and therefore an established climate communication expert, described how the class, if it ran, would use a combination of writing and discussion to address controversies like nuclear power and climate change denial.
Letter: Using "stigma" only harms

Letter: Using “stigma” only harms

June 8, 2016
Mental Health Month has come to a close. None too soon.
Mental Health Awareness Month does little for people with mental illness

Mental Health Awareness Month does little for people with mental illness

June 1, 2016
On April 28 of this year, President Barack Obama proclaimed May to be Mental Health Awareness Month in the US. As it was established in 1949 by the National Mental Health Association, May 2016 saw the 67th annual spotlight on mental illness.
Illustration by David London

Cartoon: Paperwork

June 1, 2016
News illustration by David London.
Op-Ed: Administration should do more for sexual assault survivors

Op-Ed: Administration should do more for sexual assault survivors

June 1, 2016
When I was in elementary school, I had a wonderful friend named Lucy, who was and is a prolific jokester. We were hanging out in Lucy’s room one day, probably reading Seventeen magazine or watching “America’s Next Top Model,” when I noticed some wooden block letters on Lucy’s dresser that read “LUC.” I inquired about where the Y in her name was and why there wasn’t a block for that letter.
Obama's tarnished legacy on immigration

Obama’s tarnished legacy on immigration

April 14, 2016
While Trump’s stance on immigration absolutely deserves questioning and scrutiny, an executive-mandated increase in deportations would be nothing new for this country: Under the Obama administration, the number of people ejected from this country through legal proceedings, collectively known as “removals,” has drastically increased.