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The independent student newspaper of Northeastern University

The Huntington News

The independent student newspaper of Northeastern University

The Huntington News

The independent student newspaper of Northeastern University

The Huntington News


Print media undervalued in digital age

Print media undervalued in digital age

February 5, 2015
Women who lived in Shakespeare’s time were wooed by men with words like “Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day?” Literature was sacred and revered; writers were gods, reaching all those capable of reading the letters on a page into beautiful words that people would discuss for weeks, even months.
Column: Vaccine debate uncalled for

Column: Vaccine debate uncalled for

February 5, 2015

By Kenny Sokan, editorial columnist  In recent weeks, the United States has seen a resurgence of measles, a highly contagious disease. An outbreak occurred at the end of December at Disneyland, a prime breeding ground of unwashed hands and touchy kids.  Since then, more than...

Letter: American in Bosnia

February 5, 2015

Being an American abroad can be a wildly different experience depending on which corner of the world you land. When I accepted my co-op in Bosnia and Herzegovina, I expected to have my mind tested and to experience different views of the US. What I didn’t expect was for it...

Illustration by David London

Cartoon: You shall not pass

January 29, 2015

News illustration by David London

Value of education evolving

Value of education evolving

January 29, 2015

In 20 years, none of us will recognize Northeastern University. Just like our parents get confused by the new elevator system in East Village and the “computer rooms” on campus, humanity’s...

Column: NU promoting immoral NGO

Column: NU promoting immoral NGO

January 29, 2015

By Ross Beroff, editorial columnist When it came out that a former Northeastern student was working with ISIS to develop its social media presence, there was obvious outrage and curiosity amongst the student body as to how this could occur. This is a sad story, but in no way...

Letter: White privilege cannot be ignored

January 29, 2015

Editor’s note: Kenny Sokan is an editorial columnist for The News. Two weeks ago, an editorial column was published on about white privilege. In it, the writer expressed his irritation with being told to check his. In the column, the writer says “Because I’m...

Moving beyond Charlie Hebdo

Moving beyond Charlie Hebdo

January 22, 2015
Free speech, first amendment, unalienable human rights. These are the topics that have bounced from mouth to mouth of politicians, speech to speech of Hollywood’s award season and tweet to tweet of a world that has united to mourn those who died in the Charlie Hebdo attack.
Letter: Mass. electricity rates top national high

Letter: Mass. electricity rates top national high

January 22, 2015
Your electric bill for the month of November is about to be in your mailbox. Notice a difference?
Column: Conn. teen denied healthcare rights

Column: Conn. teen denied healthcare rights

January 22, 2015
By Kenny Sokan, editorial columnist
Illustration by David London

Cartoon: Charlie Hebdo

January 16, 2015

Illustration by David London.

Column: Race not equated with privilege

January 15, 2015

By Ross Beroff, editorial columnist Identify as male? Check. Grow up in the Suburbs? Check. White? It’s complicated, but everyone just assumes I am. Attend a top university? Check. Privilege? I was told recently to check my privilege. Because I’m white...