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The independent student newspaper of Northeastern University

The Huntington News

The independent student newspaper of Northeastern University

The Huntington News

The independent student newspaper of Northeastern University

The Huntington News


Illustration by David London

Cartoon: US over-involved internationally

March 5, 2015

News illustration by David London. 

Reading fading as favorite pastime

Reading fading as favorite pastime

March 5, 2015
We are all guilty of it at one point or another. At least once a day we all find ourselves lying in bed in the dark scrolling through Instagram instead of flipping through pages, hanging on to the every word of Frank Underwood rather than Emily Dickinson or typing up our haphazard thoughts instead of highlighting our favorite passages.
Unpaid internships unrealistic, immoral

Unpaid internships unrealistic, immoral

March 5, 2015
America, America. The land of opportunity. That is, the land of unpaid opportunity. From high school to graduate school, young adults of all ages are trying desperately to get their feet in the door and secure the American dream, which more or less has come to mean “a job that pays the bills.” And how do they do this? Through internships, of course.

Letter: SGA to vote on SJP divestment referendum

March 5, 2015

Recently, the Student Government Association (SGA) allowed a referendum to proceed from Northeastern University’s Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) that called on Northeastern to divest from several corporations due to their commerce with the Israel Defense Forces. The...

Illustration by David London

Cartoon: Veto-man holds congressional power

February 26, 2015

News illustration by David London

Column: SJP hides true intentions

Column: SJP hides true intentions

February 26, 2015
Next week, our campus will be hosting Israel Apartheid Week (IAW), a series of events hosted by Students For Justice in Palestine (SJP) chapters across the country. It is time that this event and this group are exposed for what they truly are. SJP does not stand for justice, instead they are a hate group and a more fitting definition of the acronym would be, “Students for Jewish Persecution.”

Letter: Housing inequities unfair

February 26, 2015

As a freshman, I wasn’t expecting much when it came to dorms. Being at the bottom of the totem pole in most cases means living in lesser-quality housing than the upperclassmen. Needless to say, I was blown away when I walked into International Village this past September. It...

Column: Teacher-student relationships difficult to navigate

Column: Teacher-student relationships difficult to navigate

February 19, 2015

By Kenny Sokan, editorial columnist Have you ever had a crush on a teacher? Their class is your favorite; you work a little harder in that one to impress said professor. In a sea of dozens of students, a quick glance from them seems like an intimate acknowledgement. Nearly...

Illustration by David London

Cartoon: MBTA recovery a slow process

February 19, 2015

News illustration by David London. 

Williams worthy of forgiveness

Williams worthy of forgiveness

February 19, 2015
It was the lie heard ‘round the world when America’s most respected news anchor, Brian Williams, recounted a story originally told in 2003 about one of his many Iraq War experiences.

Letter: Political correctness not a threat to free speech

February 19, 2015
Ross Beroff’s editorial column from last week required enough clarification that I felt a response was necessary. His primary argument was that political correctness is being used to “end all debate” and declare one position the only correct one.
Column: Political correctness a form of censorship

Column: Political correctness a form of censorship

February 12, 2015

By Ross Beroff, editorial columnist After both of my most recent editorials, I have been met with attacks on my character, been called uneducated and a radical and told my words were “disturbing.” In a response to one of my editorials, the author also proved my point by...