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The independent student newspaper of Northeastern University

The Huntington News

The independent student newspaper of Northeastern University

The Huntington News

The independent student newspaper of Northeastern University

The Huntington News


Column: Goodbye Columbus Day

Column: Goodbye Columbus Day

October 23, 2014
As many cities around the country observed Columbus Day last Monday, Seattle was celebrating the unanimous decision to instate Indigenous Peoples’ Day in its place. Anyone who experienced third grade US curriculum can tell you that Columbus sailed the ocean blue in 1492. It’s the events that followed this that have been falsely represented in American culture, and the renaming of Columbus Day is one of the actions cities are taking to acknowledge the treatment of native people by the famous European explorer.
Letter: Gerrymandering, an issue in american politics

Letter: Gerrymandering, an issue in american politics

October 23, 2014
I am confident that if I said that the current US Congress was one of the most dysfunctional that our generation has seen, I would not see much disagreement. It’s for this reason that a lot of people I talk to wave discussions off with a shrug and a “that’s politics.” The truth of the matter is that it doesn’t have to be this way.
New view on psychedelics

New view on psychedelics

October 23, 2014
LSD and its cohorts haven’t left the forefront of American and world interest yet. New groups are dedicated to undoing the lies that many have spread about the alleged dangers and are aiming at a new purpose: medication.
Letter: Treatment of guards, adjuncts unacceptable

Letter: Treatment of guards, adjuncts unacceptable

October 16, 2014
The treatment of security workers and adjunct professors on campus is unjustifiable. Neither earn healthcare, maternity leave or a living wage. Both are fired at the end of the spring semester and then rehired at the start of fall semester. Adjunct professors are often told the classes they will be teaching days before the start of the semester. Until very recently, security workers were locked out of their booths by managers during cold winter nights. This maltreatment erodes our community, alienates workers and is a detriment to everyone working and studying at our university.
Welfare is not slavery, but the prison system is

Welfare is not slavery, but the prison system is

October 16, 2014
“With welfare, if you can’t afford to pay anything — you can’t buy your own food, your own healthcare, your own education — well, what happens? Well, the government steps in and they say, ‘We’ll take care of that for you,’” Dasher said. “Isn’t this a form of slavery, though? I would argue that it is.”
Column: Obama under old scrutiny

Column: Obama under old scrutiny

October 16, 2014
In 2011, Obama released his long-form birth certificate in an effort to quiet opposition that felt the president was not born in the US. The certificate, which is easily accessible on the White House’s official website, states that Obama was born in Honolulu.
Illustration by Kenny Sokan

Editorial Cartoon

October 16, 2014

                            News illustration by Kenny Sokan

Column: Co-ed frats for change

Column: Co-ed frats for change

October 8, 2014
At Columbia University, a student is carrying a mattress from class to class. She will continue to carry a mattress like the one she was sexually assaulted on until her alleged rapist no longer attends the same school as her. A Harvard student wrote an open letter in her school’s newspaper this year entitled “Dear Harvard: You Win,” telling her story of living in the same building as the man she said assaulted her, while the university failed to punish him.
HIV's undeserved stigma

HIV’s undeserved stigma

October 8, 2014
n an exclusive interview with BuzzFeed, a southern photojournalist under the pseudonym Jen Mosher discussed her most recent post to her blog Scary Mommy, in which she detailed her experience as a mother of a child with HIV. The blog post, which has received more than 39,000 shares, begins by saying “My HIV child is playing with your child, and you don’t know it.”
Illustration by Matt Griffin

Editorial Cartoon

October 8, 2014

News illustration by Matt Griffin.

Illustration by Victoria Baisden

Editorial Cartoon

October 1, 2014

                          News Illustration by Victoria Baisden.

Letter: Concussion tests  necessary for all sports

Letter: Concussion tests necessary for all sports

October 1, 2014
Student athletes incur a multitude of injuries during a season. One of the most serious of injuries that athletes can have is a concussion. In any sport, there is a chance to get a concussion, but the chance increases nine fold in sports such as rugby or football. With a concussion, athletes may not realize that they are injured, or they may not want to be taken off the field, which makes it very difficult to treat.