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The independent student newspaper of Northeastern University

The Huntington News

The independent student newspaper of Northeastern University

The Huntington News

The independent student newspaper of Northeastern University

The Huntington News


Column: A green movement unlike any other

January 9, 2014
Cannabis, marijuana, weed, pot. Give it any name you would like. It is a drug talked about every day with the everlasting debate over whether it should be legalized. Across the country, it has created tension between federal and state laws as some jurisdictions are loosening up to its use.

Editorial: Out with the old

December 5, 2013
While final exams address the degree to which students remember the information taught to them in the course, they don’t ensure long-term effectiveness.

Column: Small odds, big impact

December 5, 2013
We see planes, trains and automobiles as constant means of travel – safe bets that are just a part of the modern world. But recent events begs the question: Is it possible that we have begun to take for granted the danger that still comes with traveling?

Letter: Giving back

December 5, 2013
The Senior Gift Drive is a way for Northeastern’s graduating classes to give back to the university. I see it as a way to inspire someone to come to this incredible institution and pursue his or her dreams. Dreams that, for me, have been made possible by Northeastern University.

Editorial: Automation killed the manual car

November 21, 2013
Blame it on the recession, blame it on global warming, blame it on the war – whatever you choose to blame it on, we have become a nation obsessed with practicality and precision. Everything needs to be 100 percent efficient and necessary all the time. Anything but is simply an inconvenience.

Column: The better fit

November 21, 2013
There was something very different about Saturday’s men’s basketball homecoming game against Central Connecticut State University (CCSU). Yes, the game was in the much smaller Cabot Center as opposed to the historic Matthews Arena, but it was also about 10 times more electric.

Letter: An organization focused on food

November 21, 2013
There are few things in life more delicious, gratifying or necessary than food. This is universal fact. Take a love for all things that taste good and combine it with a slight emphasis on health and a great emphasis on social responsibility, and you’ve got this club of dreams.

Editorial: Meet us halfway

November 14, 2013
We urge the administration to reevaluate its apparent opinion of the Huntington News. While we reserve the right to criticize its decisions with regard to Northeastern, we are more than open to hearing its views on those decisions.

Column: The dangers of asking for help

November 14, 2013
Back before the common use of cellphones, it was a viable option to ask a stranger for help face-to-face since there was no other way to communicate in a situation of distress. However, with the increased use of technology, we have become a society that relies heavily on our phones, tablets and any other devices to be our savior.

Letter: Bigger than business

November 14, 2013
As a kid, I ran a business. My very own lemonade stand on hot summer days. Fast forward 15 years later, and I’m still selling something, though quite a different product. What I’m selling are my goals, my ambitions, and my personality to the job market that awaits at the end of the tunnel in May.

Editorial: Creating a global dialogue

November 7, 2013
November 15 will mark the deadline for students to apply for a Dialogue of Civilizations in 2014. This round’s selection of dialogues is quite diverse with destinations ranging from Iceland to Serbia and activities ranging from studying geothermal and glacial activity to live conflict resolution.

Column: Know rights

November 7, 2013
I never thought something could distract me from a weekend of celebrating a World Series championship win. I was proven wrong last week when I saw the news, watching the various shenanigans students got into after Koji Uehara threw that final strike.