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The independent student newspaper of Northeastern University

The Huntington News

The independent student newspaper of Northeastern University

The Huntington News

The independent student newspaper of Northeastern University

The Huntington News


Gawker editor-in-chief Leah Finnegan poses at home with her dog. Finnegan spoke about the struggles she faced when the gossip site was abruptly shut down Feb. 1. Photo courtesy of Leah Finnegan.

Q&A: Gawker’s Leah Finnegan discusses publication’s closure, her future

Trevor Gardemal, news correspondent February 27, 2023

For both Gawker and its editor-in-chief, Leah Finnegan, shutdowns are nothing new. This didn’t make it easier when Gawker’s parent company Bustle Digital Group, or BDG, abruptly shut down the gossip blog Feb. 1.  Gawker rose to prominence due to its irreverent and often...

Between going to class, doing homework, holding part-time jobs, staying active in campus clubs, doing research and being on co-op, students have little time left to dedicate to popular resolutions. However, a few Northeastern students have found success in goal-making this year.

Two months into the New Year, students agree: the smaller the resolution, the better

Maggie Scales, news correspondent February 27, 2023

As it is widely known, New Year's resolutions have a short shelf life. Strava dubbed Jan. 13 National Quitter’s Day — it is when most people abandon their annual promises. However, a few Northeastern students have found success in goal-making this year.   For 2023, a...

Since the COVID-19 pandemic, going to a movie theater has become less common in the United States. This newfound hesitance toward the silver screen is having a financial impact on many major movie theater chains.

Column: Competition from streaming services cause movie theaters to struggle

Laura Emde, news staff February 25, 2023

Many are familiar with the experience of paying $11 for a ticket to a new movie, waiting in line for an overpriced bag of popcorn and settling into their seat to eat the entirety of said bag before the previews even end.  However, since the COVID-19 pandemic, going to a movie...

The historic ManRay club reopens, 18 years after its closure in 2005. In the ’80s and ’90s, ManRay was the hotspot for Boston and Cambridge’s alternative queer community.

Historic ManRay reopens, brings joy to Boston’s queer community across generations

Trevor Gardemal, news correspondent February 24, 2023

About six years before ManRay closed and 24 years before it reopened, Rob Wilson met his partner at the club. Wilson, who was 28 at the time, was attending the gay club for the first time. Of the two dance floors in the club, he preferred the one in the back, which played...

Gohar Dashti's piece "Untitled 1" is now on display at the Scottsdale Museum of Contemporary Art in Scottsdale, Arizona. With this piece, Dashti aimed to explore the themes of displacement and home. Photo courtesy Gohar Dashti.

‘Artists in Conversation’ panel addresses isolation felt by immigrants

Christina McCabe, news staff February 22, 2023

Artists Mimi Bai, Gohar Dashti and Ngoc-Tran Vu all share a common experience — they immigrated to the U.S. at a young age and started a journey that proved to be harder than they expected.  “Those of us who came to this country as children are neither of our original...

Cars drive past the Coolidge Corner Theatre.

Review: ‘Knock at the Cabin’ is Shyamalan’s best in years — but that isn’t saying much

Jake Guldin, deputy lifestyle editor February 17, 2023

Following the critical and commercial successes of M. Night Shyamalan’s first two features at the turn of the 21st century, Newsweek boldly heralded the auteur as “the next Spielberg.” In the decades since, though, Shyamalan has largely failed to satisfy the lofty expectations...

The annual Golden Raspberry Awards sparked controversy for nominating a 12-year-old actress for the Worst Actress category. This recent scandal is the latest in a history of contentious nominations.

Column: The Razzies go too far once again

Alyssa Enright, news correspondent February 15, 2023

Since 1981, the Golden Raspberry Awards, or the Razzies, have provided an irreverent foil to the Academy Awards by highlighting the worst films and performances of the year. They were co-founded by UCLA film graduates John J. B. Wilson and Mo Murphy to poke fun at filmmakers...

Nick Gallina works out at the International Village gym. He did pull-ups on a Matrix machine.

Online ‘gym bro’ media encourages unhealthy workout habits, body image issues

Kate Deskey, news correspondent February 11, 2023

As gym enthusiasts take to social media to share progress pictures and workout inspiration, they run the risk of promoting aesthetically-motivated workout habits that promote body image issues and unhealthy exercise practices.  Consuming content from people who have impressive...

Boston University Stone Gallery’s new art exhibit, “Comics Is A Medium, Not A Genre,” proves that comics are not only for kids — they can also be an artistic tool for adult-oriented storytelling. The exhibit will run through March 24 at Stone Gallery.

Boston University’s new art exhibit shows comics can be more than children’s literature

Maggie Scales, news correspondent February 11, 2023

Boston University Stone Gallery’s new art exhibit, “Comics Is A Medium, Not A Genre,” proves that comics are not only for kids  — they can also be an artistic tool for adult-oriented storytelling.  Joel Christian Gill, associate professor of art and chair of the...

Orji holds a fan and a microphone while performing “Eberechukwu’s Biafra” at Berklee Performance Center Jan. 31. The “Visionaries Collective” was formed organically while Orji worked on the project.

Berklee student artist honors Biafran heritage through music, poetry and dance

Ogbonné Mary Orji fulfilled her childhood dreams the night of Jan. 31 after several intense months of preparation and rehearsal for her passion project, “Conception: The Awakening of Ogbonné.” An eighth-semester student at Berklee College of Music, Orji performed her debut...

Lucy Dacus took to the stage Jan. 29 in Blackman Auditorium to put on a mellow acoustic performance. Audience members journeyed from as far as Middletown, Connecticut to see Dacus in person.

Lucy Dacus takes the ‘Night Shift’ at Northeastern

Jake Guldin, deputy lifestyle editor February 6, 2023

In the dimly lit Blackman Auditorium Jan. 29, singer-songwriter Lucy Dacus emerged, guitar in hand, to the delight of an audience best characterized by their affinity for Dr. Martens’ boots.  Dacus — who was booked by organizers from both the Northeastern Council of University...

Members of the NU Fashion Society exchange clothes in an IV classroom Jan. 24. The club held a clothing swap during its second meeting of the semester to promote sustainability while updating one's wardrobe.

The Fashion Society’s clothing swap builds a style community at Northeastern

Katy Manning, news staff February 3, 2023

In a basement classroom in International Village, some of the most stylish and creative Northeastern students met up Jan. 24 to swap outfits and inspiration.  At their weekly Tuesday meetings, The Fashion Society holds events intended to get students talking about clothing.  “This...