Birth control prescriptions, the morning-after pill and pregnancy tests are just a small portion of the services offered at the newly-dubbed University Health and Counseling Service (UHCS)-Forsyth, formerly known as the Lane Health Center.
The services are nothing new — the Lane Health Center offered the same assistance to students, including the detection and prevention of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and pregnancies.
“Prevention is our first priority,” said Health Promotion and Planning Coordinator Pamela Harris. “We want to prevent the actual fertilization, using methods of birth control, but we also deal with helping students that were exposed [to possible pregnancies] or fear that they might have been exposed.”
Approximately one positive pregnancy per week is detected at the UHCS, Harris said. Testing for pregnancy can be determined through the UHCS, and if the results are positive, a staff nurse or the primary care provider informs the student of her choices.
As the school year begins, Harris said it is imperative that students are aware of the sexual risks and their options should there be an occurrence such as a sexual assault.
“Women are at a greater risk of sexual assault in their first six weeks or two months of college than at any other time in their life,” Harris said.
Not only can females have their gynecology exam performed on campus, but an array of methods of birth control can be prescribed through the UHCS. Both men and women can be tested for STIs, and prescribed treatment if necessary.
However, students need not worry about their medical record becoming public knowledge. Students who are cautious of their parents or others finding out about their medical examinations can take comfort in the knowledge that the UHCS does not release the information to anyone without the students’ permission, Harris said.
“I stress confidentiality. What’s between you and us, stays between you and us,” Harris said. “It’s hard for parents to hear that a lot of the time.”
Financially speaking, the UHCS is flexible with insurance plans and offers many free-of-charge services, she said. Pap smears for females, as well as chlamydia and gonorrhea exams for males and females are covered by student insurance.
“Students need to know that as long as they’re full-time undergrads, they don’t have to have Northeastern insurance to be seen here,” Harris said. “We provide gynecology exams at no charge. All they have to pay for is prescriptions for drugs and tests that need to be processed elsewhere … Most students only pay for testing, but students need to know how their insurance works, and if they have any concerns about anyone finding out, they can all be billed privately.”
The UCHS is located at 135 Forsyth St. and can be reached for appointment at (617) 373-2772.