By Stephanie Peters
Building F provides wake-up call for studentstherapy major Sarah Veiga, there is no escaping the din of jack hammering or the roar of heavy machinery.
When Veiga wakes up in the morning, it’s to the sound of construction outside her Willis Hall apartment. At her work-study position on the second floor of the John D. O’Bryant African American Institute, she is distracted by the same racket.
“It’s pretty annoying,” Veiga said as she looked out the window from her desk at the institute. “It just starts so early in the morning.”
Veiga is one of many students living in Willis Hall or involved at the African American Institute who are affected by the ongoing construction of West Village building F.
“It’s been going on since we moved in,” said Greg Whitney, a sophomore journalism major who lives on the fourth floor of Willis. “They’ve just been putting in pipes and moving dirt, taking big machines and ripping it up.”
The bedroom of sophomore civil engineering major Mac Schroeder’s sixth-floor Willis apartment also looks out upon the construction. For Schroeder, the worst aspect of the construction is being woken up on his days off.
“It really pisses me off when they start construction at 7 or 8 a.m. on a Friday or Saturday,” Schroeder said.
Schroeder’s girlfriend, sophomore civil engineering major Jess Kornfeld, said when she spends the night, there is no way to completely block out the construction.
“The air circulation in the dorms is really poor so we always have his window open, which just amplifies the noise,” Kornfeld said.
While some students said they find the constant noise frustrating, others said they understand the benefits additional housing will bring to Northeastern.