NU needs Dr. Haleem
Northeastern’s international affairs program will be much weaker next year if Dr. Haleem no longer teaches and advises IAF students. Her contract was terminated despite receiving overwhelming support from over 80 IAF students, the Political Science faculty, and the Dean of Arts and Sciences.
Dr. Haleem has such strong support because she is an excellent teacher, adviser, researcher, and motivator. Her record, during her short time here, speaks for itself: She has taught several different undergraduate and graduate courses, written peer reviewed articles, a chapter in an edited volume, book reviews, and is currently finishing a book manuscript. She has also participated in several colloquiums, submitted conference papers, and has been interviewed in newspapers, radio, and television. Dr. Haleem has done all of this while being the Head Advisor of the IAF program.
Furthermore, her area of expertise could not be more relevant: terrorism, Islamist extremism, civil-military relations, South Asia, and the Muslim Middle East. Finally, she inspires students to learn because of her intellect and sophistication. In sum, she is the type of professor that makes NU a world-class institution. How then could she be let go?
Boyan Kovacic Middler International affairs and economics major