In a year that featured a diverse lineup of comedians, including Lewis Black and Mo Rocca, Northeastern students voted Jay Mohr as the best celebrity to come to campus. The show, hosted by Kappa Sigma and the Student Government Association, was held Oct. 2 in Blackman Auditorium. The performance sold out five days before the event, and organizers considered it a major success.
Mohr, most recently known as the host of “Last Comic Standing,” performed to an enthusiastic audience, despite edgy material that sometimes provoked gasps. Some jokes were specifically tailored to the Northeastern crowd, such as his opening line: “I was going to do 40 minutes, but since it’s Northeastern, I’ll do 50. Why do in four years what you could do in five?”
For Katherine Palermino, a freshman undecided major, the show was the perfect antidote to the troubles of adjusting to the beginning of freshman year.
“It was really funny. I was having a bad day and it cheered me up a lot,” Palermino said.
The Mohr show marked the second year Kappa Sigma and SGA have teamed up to bring a comic to campus. Jim Breuer performed to a sold-out crowd last year.
John Guilfoil, SGA vice president for administration and public relations and a member of Kappa Sigma, said he hopes such shows continue for years to come.
“I’m sure this will be a long-standing tradition,” Guilfoil said.
– Staff writer Hailey Heinz