Imposter-freshman Matt Foster scoured the student center Tuesday night for free goods, and was most impressed by the AGAPE Christian Fellowship’s scaly swag, he said. Apparently so were nearly 400 other students who stopped by to fill out a short survey in exchange for a goldfish, said AGAPE President Mistie Conner. The fish came from Petco in Framingham and each new pet-owner was given a starter supply of Wardley Goldfish Premium Flakes to care for them, Conner said.
But why fish? Conner said it’s a symbol employed by some of the earliest Christians to signify believers.
“A believer would draw half a fish in the sand and if someone drew the other half of the fish [the first person] would know they were both believers and could discuss Christianity,” Conner said.
To find out more about AGAPE, check out their meetings, which are held every Thursday night at 7:30 in room 444 of the Curry Student Center.
For a complete listing of NU’s student groups visit –compiled by a member of the News Staff