By Anna Marden, News Staff
Dressed in a smart grey sport coat, middler journalism major Jon Palmer led his band to the first place in the final round of WRBB’s first-ever Northeastern Battle of the Bands at afterHOURS Monday.
Jon Palmer and the New Complainers, an indie rock garage band, won their very own headlining spot in an afterHOURS show, which will be opened by psychedelic band Sand Reckoners, the band that won second place in the battle.
“We really didn’t think we we’re going to win so it was a very, very pleasant surprise,” said Palmer.
The battle winners also have the opportunity to open the show for a new outdoor concert called Spring Bliss, which will occur on Centennial Commons and will be like the Spring equivalent to the Fall Block Party.
Spring Bliss is organized by WRBB and supported by the NU Big Four, a union of music-inclined groups on campus consisting of WRBB, Music and Entertainment Industry Student Association, Council for University Programming and music magazine Tastemakers. The headliner for the concert has yet to be announced.
“We’re psyched to get the opportunity to play in front of potentially hundreds of people who haven’t heard us before,” Palmer said.