This issue of the Huntington News is an example of the generosity, pride and loyalty that runs through the Northeastern community. It was only possible because dozens of readers, former staffers, friends and family members contributed to a fund to upgrade The News’ technology.
For nearly a decade, the staff of the Huntington (née Northeastern) News produced a first-class college newspaper on computers and software that had already graduated, so to speak. The computers were known to shut down without notice, mysteriously lose files, reject upgrades and slow to a crawl at the most critical times. They were, without a doubt, the biggest source of stress and frustration on production nights.
In March, the server hosting all software licenses, archives and fonts crashed. The News no longer had access to its contents, leaving staff members to use their laptops and trial software to produce the paper. The trial ended April 20, the day the last paper of the spring semester was published.
Since 2008, the News has operated as a proudly independent organization, and is funded by donations and advertising revenue. When we reached out to people in and around the Northeastern community, the response was overwhelming. In just a few hours, the donation total had climbed to a couple thousand dollars. In a matter of days, it became clear that The News was, and still is, an important part of the Northeastern experience.
The fundraising effort was a success in more ways than one. First, it allowed us to purchase the brand new computers, software and extended warranty plans we so desperately needed. But it also reminded us that we have an extensive network of people who were once in our position and who are willing to help any way they can.
Despite the severity of our situation, The News’ staff was encouraged by the kind emails we received from former editors and reporters. Each email served as a reminder that we are a part of a much larger community, and that we are merely carrying the News torch that was first lit in 1926.
To everyone who donated to our cause, thank you. Words alone cannot express our gratitude, so we hope that our work within the pages of The News will continue to do the talking for us.
–Colin A. Young is a senior journalism major and the editor-in-chief of the Huntington News.