Having read the article regarding a campus debate between Republicans and Democrats (“Debate heats up Shillman,” Nov. 16), I wondered if Brian Caron of the College Repub-licans sincerely believes, “based on Saddam Hussein’s human rights record, the war was justified and Iraq is now better off.”
Has he considered volunteering for the military to finish accomplishing the mission?
If the College Republicans’ vice president Curtis Bergh really supports “a continued military presence in Iraq,” why doesn’t that military presence already include him?
Our Army just missed its annual recruiting quota by the largest shortfall since 1979. No further invitation should be necessary.
Healthy heterosexuals ages 18-39 are eligible to volunteer. Even if a particular patriot is not accepted for military service, your country thanks you for stepping forward.
Operation Yellow Elephant is a nonpartisan grass roots citizens initiative to Support Our President by encouraging his strongest supporters, otherwise qualified (e.g. College Republicans and Young Republicans) to consider military service.
They can find all the information they need at www.operationyellowelephant.com.
After all, if President Bush cannot persuade even his strongest supporters to consider volunteering, how can he possibly succeed in maintaining public support for continued U.S. military engagement in Iraq?
– Karl Olson is a New York resident and has no affiliation with NU.