On behalf of the Greek community, we would like to welcome everyone to a new academic year at Northeastern University. Next week is Greek recruitment week and we hope that all students consider looking into what our 17 chapters have to offer. Northeastern fraternity and sorority members make up about 5 percent of the student body, collectively making Greek Life the largest student group on campus.
Chapters on our campus share many of the same values, including brotherhood, sisterhood, leadership, scholarship and service to the community. Together, chapters donated more than $40,000 and 8,000 hours to local community service projects and national organizations last year. The average Greek GPA is above the campus-wide average and chapters are committed to working with members in order for everyone to achieve their goals.
Leadership does not stop within our chapters, as many leaders in other student groups are also fraternity and sorority members. Our leadership does not stop at graduation either, as 85 percent of Fortune 500 key executives are fraternity or sorority members.
Each greek chapter has something to offer on this campus. With chapters dating back to the 1920s and most with chapters all across the country, membership does not provide you with only a four or five-year experience. Membership within a fraternity or sorority is for life and connects you with thousands of alumni around the world.
Both of us have been members of our chapters since we were freshmen. We can both say that what we have gotten out of our membership is exponentially greater than what we have put into it. We are asking the NU student body to put aside stereotypes and myths from movies and media and look into participating in Greek recruitment next week. It is a time for you to see the chapters on campus, find out more about the campus Greek community and there is no obligation to join. If you have any questions about recruitment week or about the Greek community, please feel free to contact us at [email protected].
– Thomas Kelly is the chairman of the Greek Executive Council and Ellen Lassiter is the president of the Panhellenic Council.