As a proud member of the Greek community, I was yet again disappointed by The News the past two weeks on their coverage of the Greek community.
The front page articles have focused on an unfortunate incident that happened with a chapter on campus, and equally disappointing was the cartoon found on the editorial page criticizing the community in general.
While The News has covered these articles with journalistic integrity, what aggravated me was the absence of coverage on other events supported by chapters at Northeastern.
Over the past two weeks, during which these articles were placed on the front page, three philanthropy events were held by Greek organizations. Pi Kappa Alpha and Delta Phi Epsilon held a 30-hour fast on Oct. 6, Sigma Sigma Sigma held a 48-hour Teeter Totter-A-Thon for children’s hospitals on Oct. 12 and several chapters participated in the Breast Cancer Walk Oct. 15. Chapters also sponsored events during Alcohol Awareness week. The only publicity Greeks received in any of these events was an article found on page 9 of last week’s issue that mentioned the chapters in a few sentences with regards to AA week, and a commentary written by a fraternity member. Many members also participated in NU Service Day activities on Saturday, October 14.
The chapters that held charitable events this week raised thousands of dollars for their various philanthropies (we have raised over $40,000 in the past). We have also participated in more than 8,000 hours of community service in one year.
The Greek community deserves equal coverage from The News. While The News has made a greater effort to cover Greek events, which is greatly appreciated, it is still unfortunate to see that the negative aspects are given front page coverage, while the positive aspects are rarely mentioned.
Members of these organizations don’t hold themselves to higher standards of service and scholarship simply to receive recognition. We have all joined these organizations because we want to give back to our communities, to excel in our academics and to create close bonds with our fellow organization members. Great things can be said for being a member of the Greek community at Northeastern.
We are not asking to be praised for everything we do. We just would like to receive the respect we have earned, and ask that The News give it to us.
– Kelli Morse is a senior communications major and a member of the Greek Executive council.