I was disturbed to discover Northeastern is using more of our tuition money for non-school expenses. They are going to be giving money to public schools in Boston.
While I do believe Boston Public Schools need money and it is great that they are getting support, it is not right that Northeastern is giving our tuition money to them.
When I agreed to come to Northeastern I had no intention of paying tuition so it could go to the new president’s mansion or to Boston Public Schools. We are now giving money to the same students that are reported in the Crime Log every week causing problems in the student center.
Explain to me the logic in that one. If Northeastern wants to keep raising tuition, then they should use the money wisely and let the students have some say in where the money is going. Plasma TVs and mansions for presidents are not what I envisioned in order to help me receive a better education.
Instead of those things, how about a better course selection, especially in the spring and summer semesters? They could always bring back the one-credit courses that were taken away from us this past year. Probably the best idea is to make the campus safer, or build a stadium so we can finally have some Husky pride.
I know it is a lot easier to rally around the new plasma TVs in the cafeteria than it would be to root for our football team in a new stadium on campus, but let’s get our priorities straight, Northeastern, and start using money to help the students of the school instead of everyone else.
– Ryan Luks is a senior business administration and criminal justice major.