Compiled by Jill Sojourner, news staff
Monday, Jan. 22
12:38 p.m.
An NU staff member reported a university-owned laptop was stolen from Holmes Hall. A report was filed.
2:28 p.m.
While conducting inventory of an NU student’s lost wallet, an NUPD officer discovered a small plastic bag containing a small white tab, which was thought to possibly be a controlled substance. A report was filed.
6:30 p.m.
A confidential rape case occurred off campus.
Tuesday, Jan. 23
5:35 p.m.
An NU student reported his Kindle was stolen from Holmes Hall. A report was filed.
Thursday, Jan. 25
The manager of Wollaston’s Market in the Marino Recreation Center reported a female NU student shoplifted. NUPD responded and reported banning the student from both Wollaston’s Market locations. A report was filed.
11:32 p.m.
The manager of Wollaston’s Market in West Village B reported a man shoplifted and left the store toward West Village A and Parker Street. NUPD responded and reported checking the area for signs of the suspect with negative results. A report was filed.
Friday, Jan. 26
2:44 p.m.
The manager of Wollaston’s Market in the Marino Recreation Center reported a man shoplifted two packages of cookies. A report was filed.
4:13 p.m.
An NU student reported his bicycle was stolen from the bicycle rack outside of Snell Library. A report was filed.
5:31 p.m.
A confidential domestic violence case occurred on campus. A report was filed.
5:31 p.m.
An NU student reported her jacket was stolen from Dodge Hall. A report was filed.
Sunday, Jan. 28
1:10 a.m.
An RA reported an intoxicated female outside Stetson West. NUPD responded and reported the student was not in need of medical attention. A report was filed.
12:15 p.m.
An RA reported finding a blowtorch belonging to three NU students while conducting a check of White Hall. NUPD responded and reported confiscating the item. A report was filed.
7:31 p.m.
The Boston Police Department reported a disorderly crowd outside of Cabot Center. NUPD responded and reported placing a minor, who was unaffiliated with NU, under arrest for assault and battery of a police officer. A report was filed.
7:33 p.m.
An NU student reported her Husky Card was stolen and there were several fraudulent transactions totaling approximately $130. A report was filed.