By Cynthia Retamozo
A room full of women gathered recently to share their finds, but they weren’t showing off knitting or tupperware.
Pure Romance is a company that sells lubricants, massage oils, vibrators and other sexual products to males and females of adult ages, although their main demographic in the Boston area is college-aged females.
Although they may appear to be for pleasurable purposes, the products are used primarily for education, said Angela Kelley, a consultant for the company.
Most females know about Mary Kay cosmetics and how the company hosts parties where people experiment with their products. Pure Romance does the same. In place of cosmetics, the company sells sex-related products.
Recently, the amount of nationwide parties has been growing every year due to the demystification of sex toys, Kelley said.
Patty Brisben, CEO and founder, came up with the idea after watching the Phil Donahue show in 1983, she said. According to Brisben, sex-related products were extremely taboo then. Brisben gradually worked her way up through other companies before founding Pure Romance, she said.
Kelley regularly hosts parties in and around the Boston area.
Pure Romance parties typically last three hours, Kelley said.
According to Kelley, when the guests arrive, the consultant eases the awkwardness with ice breakers. One in particular is a game similar to Hot Potato, but instead of the guests throwing a ball around, they toss around a giant inflatable phallus.
After the anxiety is eased, the hostess begins talking about her products and then puts on the sales pitch, Kelley said.
While selling, Pure Romance consultants emphasize education over fun because, their main demographic as a company is in conservative groups. Already married and fully committed couples turn to Pure Romance to strengthen their marriages, Kelley said.
“We help put spice back into set relationships,” Kelley said. “Communication is key, especially in sex. What we do is help women and men discover themselves for a fuller sexual experience.”
Kim Sheridan, a public relations and marketing employee of Pure Romance, along with other members of the company, recently visited colleges across the country to talk about the different products and educate young adults on sex. Boston was one stop.
Sheridan said most young adults do not have enough resources about safe sex, a gap Pure Romance sets out to close.
Another program Pure Romance promotes is Sensuality, Sexuality, Survival. This program helps cancer patients continue with their sex lives instead of ending it, which can be a repercussion of cancer, Kelley said.
Trained consultants host special parties for cancer patients and teach them which products, such as lubricants, can help them continue their sex life. Afterward, 20 percent of the profit made from selling the products are donated to the guests’ support group.
The age group of attendees can range from 18 to 80 years of age and appeals to both genders, Kelley said. Pure Romance’s mission is to teach men and women of all ages to experience safe and full sexual pleasure. For example, some women think they do not have a g-spot, which can provide extreme sexual arousal. The company helps those women to find their spot to improve their sexual relationships, Kelley said.
Currently, Pure Romance is looking for college-aged females in the Boston area to become consultants. Since Boston is a college community, it would be important for college students to have someone their age to turn to for sexual information, said Sheridan. Potential consultants can apply online at
Some people, however, feel it might be unnecessary to have a peer consultant.
“It sounds like they only benefit sexually active people,” said freshman chemistry major Helen Ly. “Not everyone in college is doing it.”
Some believe having college-aged consultants is a plus.
“I would prefer to go to someone my own age because it would provide for a more comfortable setting,” said sophomore graphic design major Katie Drago. “I think it would be funny to be a consultant though. You would be able to experience a broader range of opinions on sex.”