Here’s a quick question-and-answer session for you.
Q: A regular-sized trailer truck departs from a local street with equipment, uniforms and boxes upon boxes of sunflower seeds. What do people do?
A: Line up on a street, stare at and photograph moving professionals.
Q: It is mid-winter. There is an infuriating amount of ice on the ground, making journeys through streets and sidewalks difficult. Where are legions of Greater Bostonians going if they find themselves walking around ice-cold Beantown?
A: An abandoned, lonely Fenway Park.
Q: Again, we preface with the fact that it is mid-winter. Two professional teams are in the heart of their schedules. Another is so far removed from its next season that its players are at home, lounging and spending quality time with families. Maybe even forgetting about their profession for awhile. Guess who is discussed more?
A: Whether they want it or not, the off-season team.
Q: Middle-aged men from different countries battle for space in areas designated for photographers. They conduct themselves as if they have been assigned to a U.N. Security Council Meeting. Where are they?
A: At a baseball field.
Q: Thousands upon thousands of New Englanders gather in a mid-sized southwestern Florida city, their dedication and fascination not marred by the fact they are watching grown men stretch out and play catch. Organized contests are still more than a week away. What is the subject of this infatuation?
A: The Boston Red Sox.
It doesn’t take long to develop, does it?
A matter of weeks, days