I was very disappointed in an article in last issue, (“Co-ed residence hall room trend increasing nationwide,” March 14). The Resident Student Association (RSA) is the official liaison between resident students and the administration of Northeastern University. In this role it is our responsibility to bring the concerns of the resident students to the administration and general public. One of the issues brought up in the article and discussed was the idea of co-ed housing. It is a topic that may not be popular for the administration but it is one that has been researched and discussed in RSA and with Bob Jose, Associate Dean of Residence Life. I personally have talked to other schools about co-ed housing including SUNY Geneseo and New York University. I am disappointed in Residential Life for ignoring these conversations when interviewed, and I am disappointed in the News for not interviewing RSA. As always, if there are issues or concerns with your housing, or if there are changes you would like to see, RSA is here for you. Feel free to e-mail us with any questions, comments or concerns at [email protected].
– Darren Conine is a junior political science major and president of the Resident Student Association.