Frank talk about blow jobs and photos of students in their birthday suits were enough to boost votes for Sex Week, an event that beat contenders like Homecoming and the Inauguration as this year’s best time on campus.
Sponsored by the Resident Student Association (RSA) and distinct from past Sex Weeks, the introduction of “Stripped” magazine featured photos of nude students, accompanied by lurid tales of blow jobs and “closet sluts.” The magazine sparked controversy with some students for its shock value and what some called a lack of substance.
“Although it created a little bit a of a stir, I think it was what Northeastern students needed to see, and it has pushed the boundaries so far,” said Smith Anderson, RSA vice president for programming. “I hope it was well-received by the entire campus.”
The annual week to promote sexual awareness also featured a Condom Casino in the Curry Student Center; “Take Back the Night,” a vigil to raise awareness about sexual abuse; and “I Love The Female Orgasm,” an event to educate students on how to give and achieve orgasms.
“I think learning about sex is a great thing,” said sex educator Dorian Solot at the female orgasm event in March. “Being well-informed is always good, whether people use it immediately or wait until they’re married.”
Among other events RSA held during the week were Amber Madison’s “Hooking up: The Girl’s Guide To Sex and Sexuality” lecture and a talk from sex therapist Ian Kerner.
Anderson said the week’s events were designed with a college demographic in mind.
“This year for Sex Week, I really wanted to switch up a little bit, to focus on the more exciting aspects of sex, as it relates to being in college, and just sex in general,” Anderson said. “I think sex education is really important, but I think a lot of students come to college with a lot of sex education already.”
– Jeff Miranda, News Staff