The student-run production of “Deflores,” written by Don Nigro, was performed by a cast of seven students in the Itty Bitty Theatre in Ryder Hall Friday and Saturday night. The show, which unveils bizarre plot twists and zany characters, focuses on a young woman who finds herself in an uncomfortable situation similar to Ben Stiller’s character in the movie “Meet the Parents,” but with a more eccentric family.
“Deflores” was directed by senior theatre and philosophy major Thomas Lamanna, who directed “Clevinger’s Trial” on campus. Lamanna said the show “Deflores” was originally introduced to the on-campus theatre group Silver Masque and himself by middler theatre major Michael Underhill, who was eventually cast as Robespierre in the show.
Having read the script numerous times, Underhill said he had high hopes for the quality of the show.
“My expectations were so high and they were met.