Spring break is the light at the end of the gloomy tunnel for the winter quarter. If you have the money, you can head to a tropical hideaway, and even if you don’t, MTV can help you out this season.
The Rack, at 24 Clinton St. in Faneuil Hall, will be holding an open casting call today from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. in conjunction with the creators of MTV’s Real World and Road Rules shows to film a new spring break movie.
New Line and Bunim/Murray productions will comb through 18 to 22 year olds willing to bear the below freezing temperatures projected for today. They say they are looking for exciting and energetic groups of two to three friends.
Heather Michalowski, marketing director for The Rack, said filming will start in March in Cancun, Mexico.
Bridget Roche of Allied Advertising said the movie would be released this summer.
Because most schools have varying spring breaks, the precise time in March for filming is yet to be determined, Roche said. Casting is taking place across the country and when the cast is complete, filming times will be solidified.
For all wanting to shy away from the cold, The Rack will allow participants inside the restaurant before their interviews.
The Rack has been host to previous MTV casting calls and Michalowski said that for the casting of the next Real World, in Paris, people started showing up at 10 p.m. the night before to camp out and insure an interview.
“We’ve always had a lot of luck at this location,” Michalowski said.
She said 10 potential cast members were chosen at The Rack for either the Real World or Road Rules program, and now, five of that group has continued to the finals.
The casting directors will arrive at the restaurant at 9 a.m. to prepare for the event, and the doors will open for 10 a.m. The restaurant will remain open for lunch as well as the pool table area, Michalowski said. Those interested in the casting call should bring a valid ID.
To get to Faneuil Hall by T, take the Green Line to the Government Center stop, walk straight by City Hall, down the steps and across the street into the marketplace.