Though the Northeastern University Bisexual, Lesbian and Gay Alliance (NUBiLAGA) has always provided support to students, a new group was established in August that will open up communication, education and resources to the NU community. Northeastern University Allied Student Coalition (NUASC) will become the link between NU and the outside community and establish programs, eventually hoping to open a Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender, Questioning and Straight (GLBTQS) resource center, according to their mission statement. “It’s our intent and goal to do all that we can to break down barriers,” said sophomore President Brian Cox. Cox, a former member of NUBiLAGA, knew from last September when he started at Northeastern that the group could not provide him with what he was looking for. “It is extremely important that the organization that provides support is not the same as the group that provides education, communication and resources,” Cox said. With this in mind, Cox went to the Student Activities Board this summer with his constitution, hoping that his group would be approved. He ran into some barriers, however, when the board questioned whether his group was really different from NUBiLAGA. “They looked at both constitutions of the groups and found that there was room for two groups because one was more stressing itself as a resource center and the other was an advocacy group,” said Director of Student Activities Todd Shaver. Shaver said that the reason it took so long for the group to gain approval was because it was during the summer term. “During the regular school year, it’s much easier to bring the [Student Affairs Board] together,” Shaver said. Student Government Vice President for Student Affairs Allyson Savin, who sits on the Student Affairs Board, agreed that there is room for both groups. “They are two completely different constitutions with two different mission statements,” Savin said. NUBiLAGA President Jaxon White, however, does not recognize the difference or the need for two separate groups. “I understand they are here for activism, I wish they had come to us,” White said. He cites Cox and other members’ unhappiness with the group as the reason for the creation of NUASC. “If they had felt we were giving them everything, they wouldn’t have gone and started their own group,” White said. Cox, however, said that his “desire to do this is not at all that NUBiLAGA turned me off,” and that he hopes to “establish an alliance with NUBiLAGA, a partnership.” He said that their ultimate goal, to establish a resource center, cannot be done alone. With seven members and two advisors so far, the first meeting of NUASC will be held Tuesday, Sept. 16.