By Holly Fletcher
Due to a miscommunication with the financial aid office, Arthur Tewasaliig’s dream of becoming the only doctor on his native island of Wooleai Yap was almost shattered. After traveling from Micronesia to Boston, Tewasiliig thought he had no options. He had trusted that Northeastern’s financial aid package would be enough to cover his need, but when he arrived, he found out that all of his papers had not yet been processed. “There was little communication between the school and Arthur because it is so expensive to call,” said Caroline Troy, his high school teacher. “The school said it would be enough, so we waited until we got here.” What Tewasiliig was originally offered was far below what he needed to come to school, and he didn’t know what to do. “I knew I wouldn’t be able to [stay here] because I do not have the tuition,” said Tewasiliig. “With the other needed expenses [it] exceeds my family income. After his arrival to campus, the university and the financial aid office did clear up the miscommunication, and Tewasiliig’s financial need was met. Eventually, “Northeastern gave me what I need to be here,” he said. Tewasiliig wants to give his country what they need: a doctor. The few doctors practicing in his native Wooleai Yap island are either American or Indian – there are no locals. “I’ve always wanted to help those in need,” he said. “That’s what strikes me the most of why I should be [a doctor].” “There is nowhere to go. Most people feel like they have to leave. There is no hope,” Troy said, about YAP. For Tewasiliig, the chance to attend college in Boston is an exciting opportunity. He will experience a new life, a new culture and a new climate. “I wasn’t used to this kind of weather,” he said. “I’ve only seen snow in pictures and movies.” Tewasiliig said he is here to learn and make the best out of his life and this opportunity. “I just need to work hard and try to make the most out of my experience and learning here,” he said. “It will be hard, [but] ‘it’s always better to try than not trying at all.’ “