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The independent student newspaper of Northeastern University

The Huntington News

The independent student newspaper of Northeastern University

The Huntington News

The independent student newspaper of Northeastern University

The Huntington News


Commentary: From a campaign to a ‘constant movement’

November 13, 2006

Last week's victory for Deval Patrick signaled the end of an amazing race. More than any other single campaign, Patrick's has changed me by making me hopeful and excited about our ability as citizens to bring change more than ever before. His campaign reminded me just how strong...

Letter to the Editor: There is more to a student than a GPA

November 13, 2006

A high GPA is futile to people who believes that their GPA is the deciding factor of their self-worth. While a high GPA is indeed important, I do not agree with the conclusion of the "Employers should honor a student's GPA," letter to the editor in the Nov. 8 edition of The...

Column: Going for the gut

November 13, 2006

A man with a mustache in a leather bomber jacket is leaning on the glass case, making it wiggle. You wouldn't notice, but one of the human knee joints inside has a protruding tendon, which moves back and forth, as thought is was a soft but constant breeze. I finally went to...

Column: You can see the pride on their faces

November 11, 2006

I'm not the first to say this, and I definitely won't be the last: The lack of school spirit here is a running joke. A cruel joke, but one that nonetheless exists. Spirit spiked at the Oct. 21 homecoming football game - the game sold out and the staff did a commendable job...

Column: Divide is just damaging

November 11, 2006

We're in the midst of a civil war. Through immature and irrelevant TV ads, we've got politicians making us question both gubernatorial frontrunners. Here at Northeastern, a war of words has been waged between two student groups supposedly on the same side. As reported in...

University mum on ‘recent, distressing’ incident

November 9, 2006

University officials acknowledged Friday that an incident involving racist or religious discrimination occurred on campus recently, but refused to provide more information. Details could not be disclosed because the incident is still being vetted, said Brian Kenny, vice president...

Shift in focus proposed for environmental program

November 9, 2006

Seeking to boost student enrollment, the Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences is proposing to consolidate its major offerings from three major programs to two, said department chair Peter Rosen. The changes would create a new bachelor of science (BS) program in environmental...

Even after setbacks, Men, Women ‘ Children rock on

November 7, 2006

By Kwame Kor Kor Men, Women ' Children guitarist Todd Weinstock said the show in afterHOURS served as a much-needed distraction from their recent troubles, when the band's trailer, tour van and equipment, valued at over $100,000, were stolen at a Detroit tour stop, Oct. 23....

Little gadgets, huge technology

November 7, 2006

By Bobby Feingold This is the first in a series of articles examining programs the university is bolstering through the Academic Investment Plan. Ever since the Industrial Revolution, manufacturing has been a discipline thought to be reserved for bootstrap labor and simple...

‘Big man’ crowned

November 7, 2006

By Cynthia Retamozo Students were treated to a throwback to their Nickelodeon days on Friday, when contestants for the title of "Big Man On Campus" competed in challenges modeled after "Legends of the Hidden Temple" and "Double Dare." The annual event was held in the Curry...

Study: Most students on spiritual quest

November 7, 2006

By Kate Augusto About 76 percent of today's college students are on a spiritual quest, with only 17 percent reporting not to be, according to a recent study conducted by the Higher Education Research Institute (HERI) at the University of California, Los Angeles. The study,...

Clash of the pledges

November 7, 2006

By Jennifer Ruggiero Last year, sophomore graphic design major Andrew Kahn and his Kappa Sigma pledge class won the annual Greek Follies talent competition by warbling a medley of pop confections from former boy bands and classic rock veterans. "We took Backstreet Boys, 2ge+her...