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The independent student newspaper of Northeastern University

The Huntington News

The independent student newspaper of Northeastern University

The Huntington News

The independent student newspaper of Northeastern University

The Huntington News


Despite low turnout, search forum gives students a voice

November 29, 2005

Students voiced their presidential expectations to 10 members of the committee that will select candidates to replace university President Richard Freeland last night. Despite the low turnout of about 20 students, participants voiced their concerns to the committee for close...

Xbox 360 launches to limited customers

November 29, 2005

By Kyle Sutton Television commercials, Sunday-paper catalogs, and holiday giveaways alike have all been heralding the gadget soon to be the hottest of the season: the Xbox 360. Microsoft's latest video-game system officially launched in retail stores on Tuesday, November 22,...

Editorial Cartoon

November 29, 2005

‘Urban Village’ proposed as master plan deadline approaches

November 29, 2005

By Ricky Thompson At a community task force meeting last night, neighboring community members proposed an overhaul of campus that would turn Northeastern into an "Urban Village." Northeastern administrators, on the other hand, said the plan was unrealistic and did not account...

The Hungy Husky: Holiday treats make tasty gifts for all

November 29, 2005

By Mary Eileen Gallagher Forget naughty or nice - what about price? When it comes to holiday shopping for all the people on your list this season, and I know those lists can grow awfully long, wouldn't it be wonderful to give meaningful presents to your loved ones and still...

Letter to the Editor: Portrayal of future family woman unfair

November 29, 2005

Since Meg Walker decided to take my quotes out of context, I feel I should clarify my opinion stated in her article ("Study shows women likely to ditch degrees for family," Nov. 16). First, I am truly embarrassed by the way I was portrayed in the article. It made me sound like...

Student leaders reflect on recent diversity events

November 29, 2005

The past six months at Northeastern have brought diversity issues to the forefront, including stereotyping, minority representation among faculty and a lack of diverse events on campus. While this discussion has sometimes been divisive, it has also brought student groups together...

Column: ‘Fascinating’ in name only

November 29, 2005

It's that time of year again. While the rest of the country polishes the holiday china, Barbara Walters has awoken from her suspended animation to proclaim from the mountaintops (OK, just her primetime pulpit) the most fascinating people from this past year. Walters took...

Quality through quantity

November 29, 2005

With the search for a new Freeland underway, Tuesday night was the ultimate opportunity for students to have a voice in the selection of their new president. Students were invited to attend a forum at Snell Engineering, of which the presidential search was the primary topic....

Fall concert honors memory of late biology professor

November 29, 2005

By Julia Gall Standing before an audience in Blackman Auditorium, Director of Bands Allen Feinstein remembered his longtime friend, professor Charles Ellis. Ellis, who passed away unexpectedly last summer, taught courses in genetics and developmental biology at Northeastern...


November 29, 2005

Tuna by Evonne Davies It's funny 'cause it's true by Max Lederman

Gettin’ Lucky in No. 8

November 29, 2005

By Allison Mudge Ask around for the definition of "hooking up" and it's likely everyone will have a different response. Meeting a guy or girl, kissing, taking someone home, sex - and everything in between - "hooking up" is a loosely-used phrase without a clear meaning. Regardless...