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The independent student newspaper of Northeastern University

The Huntington News

The independent student newspaper of Northeastern University

The Huntington News

The independent student newspaper of Northeastern University

The Huntington News


Husky Happenings

November 29, 2005

SGA requests professors honor activities period The Student Government Association (SGA) passed a resolution last Thursday recommending the university make a renewed effort not to schedule any academic events during activities period. It passed unanimously. Senators who drafted...

Letter to the Editor: Put your elephant where your mouth is

November 29, 2005

Having read the article regarding a campus debate between Republicans and Democrats ("Debate heats up Shillman," Nov. 16), I wondered if Brian Caron of the College Repub-licans sincerely believes, "based on Saddam Hussein's human rights record, the war was justified and Iraq...

Column: ‘Fascinating’ in name only

November 29, 2005

It's that time of year again. While the rest of the country polishes the holiday china, Barbara Walters has awoken from her suspended animation to proclaim from the mountaintops (OK, just her primetime pulpit) the most fascinating people from this past year. Walters took...

Commentary: Immigration policy amnesty irrational

November 29, 2005

A new immigration policy is coming to the U.S. and it isn't floating in on an inner tube. This week President Bush outlined plans to create new jails to make deportation a quicker process for illegal immigrants and having a "temporary worker program" that would allow immigrants...

A Diary From Afar: Lauren Underhill

November 29, 2005

This is the final entry in the bi-weekly diary following the journey of a Northeastern student studying abroad in London. As London has been busily putting up Christmas decorations for the past month and a half, I realized CVS and every mall back home isn't as over- the-top...

Gettin’ Lucky in No. 8

November 29, 2005

By Allison Mudge Ask around for the definition of "hooking up" and it's likely everyone will have a different response. Meeting a guy or girl, kissing, taking someone home, sex - and everything in between - "hooking up" is a loosely-used phrase without a clear meaning. Regardless...

Asian-American Center attracts diverse book club members

November 29, 2005

By Chris Estrada In their most recent attempt to gain prominence on campus this semester, Northeastern's new Asian American Center has launched a book club revolving around books told through the eyes of Asian-Americans, but with themes members of any race can appreciate. The...

Sexuality on TV heating up, study says

November 29, 2005

By Cora Hilts Whether it be Carrie, Miranda, Samantha and Charlotte discussing masturbation over martinis or explicit scenes depicting threesomes between Christian, Kimber and the seductive Detective McGraw, it seems as though sex is the new way to draw viewers back to the television...

Husky Happenings

November 29, 2005

SGA requests professors honor activities period The Student Government Association (SGA) passed a resolution last Thursday recommending the university make a renewed effort not to schedule any academic events during activities period. It passed unanimously. Senators who drafted...

Forks and Spoons: In relationships, holidays a family affair

November 29, 2005

With Chrismukkah right around the corner, bank accounts everywhere are shrinking to new lows and overdraft fees are running rampant. Luckily for me, I experience this financial strain more than once a year, so the stress of having no money has evaded me. You can't miss something...

Men’s Hockey: Skating in circles

November 29, 2005

DURHAM, N.H. - The student section at the Whittemore Center lay dormant on Sunday afternoon, its seats nearly empty save for a small portion of the Wildcat faithful that returned to school early from Thanksgiving break. The fans seemed muted as well, as the non-capacity crowd...

All Hail: A practical joke that is no joke

November 29, 2005

I'll be honest here, I consider myself pretty masculine: I lift weights, play rugby and laugh at people who express their emotions. But there is one thing that will make me run screaming like a little girl: Cockroaches. So when I walked to the bathroom on the second floor of...