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The independent student newspaper of Northeastern University

The Huntington News

The independent student newspaper of Northeastern University

The Huntington News

The independent student newspaper of Northeastern University

The Huntington News

Crime Logs

Crime Log: Jan. 7-Jan.13

January 17, 2013
The RA on duty at Smith Hall reported an intoxicated male student vomiting in the men’s bathroom. Officers responded and found an 18-year-old Providence College student fully clothed in a shower stall, with the water running. He was conscious but not alert. Boston EMS transported the student to Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center.

Crime Log: Jan. 2-Jan. 6

January 10, 2013
A staff member in Kariotis Hall reported entering a dark room, turning on the lights, seeing a person run out the opposite door and smelling marijuana.

Crime Log: Nov. 12-Nov. 26

November 29, 2012
The mother of a student reported that her daughter had informed her of a party going on in her West Village F room. An officer responded and spoke with a student who agreed to turn the music down.

Crime Log: Nov.5-Nov.12

November 15, 2012
A student reported that a male was throwing bottles at the rear of 118 Hemenway St. Responding officers stopped a Berklee College of Music student. The Berklee student was cooperative and apologetic and said he was dealing with relationship issues. He was sent on his way with a warning.

Crime Log: 10/29-11/4

November 8, 2012
A student reported that someone threw two eggs at her while she walked down Huntington Avenue near the Midtown Hotel at 4 a.m. The student was struck on the left thigh and buttocks. She was advised to also file a report with the Boston Police Department (BPD).

Crime Log: 10/22-10/29

November 1, 2012
Officers stopped two underage students in possession of alcohol in front of 122 St. Stephen St. Officers confiscated 23 bottles of wine and six handles of Rubinoff vodka.

Crime Log: Oct. 9-Oct. 14

October 18, 2012
A proctor in West Village F reported that members of the Boston Police Department (BPD) were requesting NUPD assistance with an intoxicated student in the lobby. Officers were then informed that a party took place in a West Village F room and that the female had consumed 18 shots of alcohol.

Crime Log: Oct. 1-Oct. 8

October 11, 2012
An officer observed a woman inside a construction area near CSC. The officer asked the woman to stop walking under the crane and between the barricades several times. She would not follow the officer’s instructions and kept walking in the construction site.

Crime Log: Sept. 25-Oct. 1

October 4, 2012
Massachusetts State Police reported finding a five to six pound statue that belongs to Northeastern on the Boston Esplanade near Boston University. A responding officer recovered the husky statue mounted on a box with the letter “N” on it.

Crime Log: Sept. 17-Sept. 23

September 27, 2012
An underage Wentworth Institute of Technology student and an underage Northeastern student approached a plainclothes NUPD Detective and asked her to buy alcohol in exchange for $5. The students were sent on their way.

Crime Log: Sept. 10- Sept. 16

September 20, 2012
An officer spoke to a student who was trying to climb the side of Stetson West. The student said that he lived in the building, had locked himself out and was trying to avoid contacting an RA. An officer advised the student not to climb the building and to have a proctor contact an RA.

Crime Log: Sept. 4- Sept. 10

September 13, 2012
A student residing at 106 St. Stephen Street reported that her former roommate had damaged her television, broke her eggs and poured liquid on her bed. The roommate had moved out on Sept. 3 at 6 p.m. and the student noticed the damages that morning.