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The independent student newspaper of Northeastern University

The Huntington News

The independent student newspaper of Northeastern University

The Huntington News

The independent student newspaper of Northeastern University

The Huntington News


Op-ed: White saviorism’s effect on transracial adoption

Op-ed: White saviorism’s effect on transracial adoption

Alyssa Enright, contributor November 7, 2023

Adoption is known as an alternative way to start or grow a family. It’s a beautiful thing that shows family isn’t just about blood. But there is also a different side to adoption, especially transracial adoption. Transracial adoption is when someone or a couple adopts a child...

Op-ed: Working toward a university degree should be considered a job

Op-ed: Working toward a university degree should be considered a job

Lily Webber, contributor  November 6, 2023

On Sept. 4, the New York Times published an opinion piece titled “College Students: School is Not Your Job.” Jonathan Malesic, a writing professor at Southern Methodist University, penned the essay in the hopes of projecting the importance of leisure, free-thinking and the...

Op-ed: Students can be protected by the SafeZone app if the university allocates the correct resources. 

Op-ed: Students can be protected by the SafeZone app if the university allocates the correct resources. 

Derek Telep, contributor  November 6, 2023

Students come to Northeastern with the hope of developing themselves to be prepared to enter the workforce. Day in and day out, each student works on becoming their best by advancing their knowledge, research skills and professional experience. However, students cannot pursue...

Op-ed: Deception, marketing and prestige: Why U.S. News’ rankings are losing influence 

Op-ed: Deception, marketing and prestige: Why U.S. News’ rankings are losing influence 

Zoe MacDiarmid, news staff November 6, 2023

Every year, the college admissions cycle happens like clockwork. Students make one of the most important decisions of their lives so far: where to go for college. To guide them during a notoriously difficult time, many students turn to college rankings.  One of the most popular...

Op-ed: Why your Jewish friends are so afraid

Op-ed: Why your Jewish friends are so afraid

Gabrielle Bailey, contributor November 1, 2023

The Jewish people are a small tribe, everyone knows everyone. When the attacks started on Oct. 7, I did the only thing I could: I texted my loved ones in Israel to see if they were still alive, and I went to be with my Jewish community. We gathered at Northeastern’s Hillel....

A statement released by Northeastern about the Oct. 7 Hamas attack on Israel. Some students believed the statement failed to address the struggles that Palestinians have faced during the conflict with Israel.

Op-ed: Northeastern’s response to Hamas attack fails to acknowledge Palestinian suffering

Niya Plynton, contributor November 1, 2023

On Oct. 10, Northeastern released a statement about the Hamas attack on Israel in the form of an email sent from the Office of the President which was then posted on the president’s website and then to Instagram as a black background post with four slides. The statement was...

Op-ed: Northeastern’s money game: How Northeastern tuition is playing you

Op-ed: Northeastern’s money game: How Northeastern tuition is playing you

Galiah Abbud, contributor October 16, 2023

College tuition prices drastically increase yearly, and Northeastern University is no exception. In 2013, the school tuition was estimated to be a little over $40,000 yearly. In 2023, the tuition is estimated to be around $60,000 a year. The $20,000 increase in 10 years can surely...

Northeastern's Taekwondo team poses for a photo after winning first place in Division 1 of the 2022 Eastern Collegiate Taekwondo Conference. This was the first time the team secured a first place victory. Photo courtesy Northeastern Taekwondo.

Op-ed: Club sports should receive more funding considering their successes at Northeastern

Kara Orsini, contributor October 16, 2023

Northeastern University prides itself on its well-known and successful athletic teams, and the school’s club sports are no exception. Northeastern offers 64 club sports for students to explore and participate in, however, many of these clubs are currently struggling for financial...

A sign telling people that visits are by appointment only, with the exception of mental health walk-in hours, stands at the entrance to UHCS. Many students have voiced concerns about the lack of resources from UHCS.

Op-ed: Northeastern’s lack of healthcare resources puts students’ health last

Alyssa Enright, contributor October 16, 2023

Healthcare is an essential issue in the United States, but adults and senior citizens aren’t the only groups who have experienced problems with receiving good medical care. At Northeastern the healthcare resources and services are not reliable or useful even though the university...

Two students holding cereal boxes shop for drinks in Wollaston's. University staff, locals, commuters and students have frequently visited Wollaston's for quick purchases.

Op-ed: Wollaston’s high prices rarely justify “convenience” compared to neighboring stores

Carrie Gilmore, contributor October 16, 2023

Are Wollaston’s Market prices fair? While staring down a $7.99 pint of Ben & Jerry’s before movie night, or a $7.99 pack of string cheese after a spin class at Marino, this is a question that frequently nags Northeastern students and other shoppers. University staff,...

Op-ed: Popular Black media platforms promote right-wing extremism 

Op-ed: Popular Black media platforms promote right-wing extremism 

Jarriah Cockhren, contributor  September 25, 2023

  “All skinfolk ain’t kinfolk.” That is what we, Black people in America, are told: that not every other Black person is family, friend, associate or comrade, but rather your enemy and an agent of anti-blackness and white supremacy.  I didn’t quite realize...

Op-ed: The First Republican Primary Debate: A Basic Rundown with a Hot Take 

Op-ed: The First Republican Primary Debate: A Basic Rundown with a Hot Take 

Aleeza Syed, contributor September 25, 2023

In a perfect world, Chris Christie would be the Republican candidate for the 2024 presidential election. Watching the Republican primary debate, I was ready to hear many things that I disagreed with: Donald Trump copycats and candidates that were unqualified to be on stage. And...