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The independent student newspaper of Northeastern University

The Huntington News

The independent student newspaper of Northeastern University

The Huntington News

The independent student newspaper of Northeastern University

The Huntington News


Letter: NUCR calls for election year debate

January 26, 2012

During my first semester at Northeastern University in the fall of 2010, I had the privilege of participating in one of the most time-honored of all political traditions:  a debate between two opposing parties. As the 2010 midterm elections drew closer and closer, anticipation...

Letter: Apartment hunt with caution, information

January 26, 2012

The year has barely begun, and yet it’s already the start of apartment hunting season. It seems to me that more and more students are looking to go off campus. I have personally taken part in the apartment search process for two years and always dread it. Each year, the rush...

Editorial Cartoon

January 26, 2012

Editorial Cartoon

January 19, 2012

Editorial: Swipe access system blocks outsiders at a price

January 19, 2012
Finally, after nearly a year, Snell Library got around to installing its swipe access system. As easily expected, it garnered immediate flak from students about long lines and apparent inefficiencies. Gone are the days where we can just flash our cards and keep walking, we now have to stop and swipe. Oh my.

Response: Paul portrayed unfairly in column

January 19, 2012
As a humble reader, I would like to put in my two cents about last week’s editorial column (“Paul gains support despite harmful stances,” Jan. 12) calling Ron Paul insane. If one really researches what he stands for – personal liberty, individual rights, free markets, smaller government – most of what he believes in is logical. Due to brevity, I’ll explain two of Paul’s most controversial policies.

Letter: Australia native’s Northeastern observations

January 19, 2012
I’m going to slip a pleasant, cheerful message into the piles of irate and indignant complaints I dare say The News is sent on a regular basis. Having been a visitor from Australia to Northeastern this past week, I’ve been enjoying a little look at your extravagant college lives here in Boston. Consequently, I feel like you ought to know and appreciate your idiosyncrasies, both great and confusing, as observed by a foreigner.

Column: After 10 years, Guantanamo still unresolved

January 19, 2012
Jan. 11, 2012 marked a rather unsavory anniversary in the history of the United States – It has been 10 years since the first 20 Afghan prisoners went through its gates. At its peak 680 suspected terrorists were held there during President George W. Bush’s “war on terror,” and while that astronomical figure has dissipated, 171 prisoners remain incarcerated in the camp.

Editorial Cartoon

January 12, 2012


Letter: Colin Powell one of NU’s best speakers to date

January 12, 2012

I want to commend Northeastern for getting Former Secretary of State and General Colin L. Powell to give the commencement address to the class of 2012. When I walk across the stage in May and reflect back on my college experience, I will say with great pride that I had General...

Letter: Students must defend weekend E Line

January 12, 2012

On January 3, 2012, the MBTA released a series of service reduction proposals in an effort to cut their budget and prevent current deficits from increasing further. Over ten years ago, the T operated under a model of “open-ended reimbursement,” where the MBTA had state backing...

Editorial Column: Paul gains support despite harmful stances

January 12, 2012

The New Hampshire primary, one of those wonderful events where the world outside of tax-evading car buyers and teens looking for cheap fireworks remembers that the Granite State exists, took place this Tuesday. This time around, New Hampshire went nearly by default to former...