Northeastern’s West Village accomplished its own version of a hat trick this year by winning Best Upperclassman Housing for the third year in a row, and it shows no signs of stopping.
When the first building went up in 1996, West Village replaced Willis Hall in what was thought to be the best place for upperclassmen to live on campus. With the addition of West Village G and H last fall, many more keenly-desired single bed-rooms were added, some with exceptional views of the Boston skyline and even Fenway Park. Now it’s hard to imagine Northeastern’s campus without them.
While Davenport A and B also feature spacious living rooms and kitchens, West Village’s close proximity to the rest of campus and downtown Boston easily gives them the upper hand when March rolls around and the housing lottery selection begins.
The buildings’ trademark orange bricks, personal quad and Wollaston’s store give West Village residents the feeling of their own little community within the larger, more urban, campus community. With West Village F projected to open for the fall of 2006, one can only wonder how far in the alphabet Northeastern will go in building these new residence halls. But one real question still remains: Whatever happened to West Village D?
– Staff writer Emily Unsworth