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Editorial: Second term as president, twice the pressure

The Student Government Association (SGA) announced Ryan Fox won a second term as president at the SGA meeting last Thursday. He won by 97 votes.

Near the end of his first term, Fox pushed SGA senators to amend the organization’s constitution to allow a president to run for an unprecedented second term.

Well, he got it. So now what?

If you tally the votes, 54 percent of voters (that’s 10 percent no confidence and 44 percent for SGA’s Vice President for Academic Affairs Amanda Sabia) didn’t want Fox to win. And that’s from the 24.85 percent of students who actually cared enough about the election to vote.

So what does that mean? Out of the students who took the time to vote, more than half didn’t want to see Fox in office for another year. So now that he is, the pressure is on. He’s got a full year of perspective under his belt, and – here’s hoping – he will make more thoughtful and pertinent decisions to benefit the student population.

That’s not to say that he hasn’t in his first year as president (although he has been criticized by students for putting his own interests above theirs), but there’s always room for improvement. Especially in a university that isn’t exactly known for its transparency.

So this is an open challenge to Mr. Fox: Get off the golf cart, stop painting the campus red and show students exactly how things will be better this year. We’re ready.

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