As the SGA Representative for NU Pride, last semester I had the opportunity to work very closely with the vice president of academic affairs and presidential candidate, Mike Sabo. A fellow member of NU Pride, Dylan Johnstone, joined me with an interest to bring the Preferred Name and Pronoun System to Northeastern. This program would provide a great deal of safety for transgender or other gender-variant students and would allow them to make name/pronoun changes within Northeastern’s Banner System.
Thanks to the persistence of Dylan and the cooperation of Mike, the Registrar and Information Services are looking into implementing this program here at Northeastern. Mike was not only a pleasure to work with, but extremely helpful throughout the entire process. He provided both Dylan and myself with the contacts necessary for this project to come into fruition, as well as meet with both the Registrar and Information Services on his own time to explain and inform them of this program. Mike saw how important this project was to both of us as well as all NU Pride constituents, and made sure this was one of his top priorities.
Mike Sabo does an exceptional job as the vice president of academic affairs, and would carry that over to the role of student body president.
–Mackenzie Hunter is a middler international affairs and anthropology major