By Liz Ratto
For students nearing graduation, the idea of life after college is often characterized by the frightening notion of repaying student loans, cutting financial ties with Mom and Dad and most of all, finding a job to make the rest possible. Now BostonWorks, a division of The Boston Globe, is offering students one more option to help with the job search.
Student Center, a Web site established by the company, is dedicated to helping Boston students find internships or entry-level jobs after graduation. Beyond providing a database of available positions, Student Center offers information on networking and job fairs, how to deal with coworkers and what to look for in a position.
Most of the content is written by Globe staff members, but the site also provides insight from employers.
“We reach out to companies and have them write articles for us,” said Erin Callanan, publicist for BostonWorks. Representatives from Bose and Liberty Mutual have provided tips on how to be an ideal applicant.
While information from employers on what they look for in applicants is helpful, sophomore electrical engineering major Justin Schunick said he would like to see it taken a step further.
Schunick said students should be provided with in-depth profiles of employers to get an idea of what positions or institutions might be good fits.
“I would want everything about an employer laid out in front of me,” he said.
Callanan said students need to utilize the resources available on their campuses to make the most of a job hunt. At Northeastern, students and alumni can receive this help in the Stearns Center at the Office of Career Services. Offering everything from r