Comedian Aparna Nancherla performed at Ell Hall on October 2nd. Nancherla, currently living in New York, said she had been to Boston a few times doing comedy through Improv Boston as well as the Comedy and Arts festival.Performing on the night of the Las Vegas shooting, Nancherla said “I think I was sort of also feeling that today was pretty heavy and I was like ‘I think don’t want to like further go down that path’…I assume some people came here to not have to think about that stuff.”During an interview with The News, Aparna said she enjoys comics like “Maria Bamford because of the range of vulnerability in her stand and how true she is to herself.” Nancherla’s performance is similar, often making light of her own mental health battles without crassness.She gave words of encouragement to young comedians in Boston. “The good thing about Boston is that it has a really solid comedy scene. I would encourage to explore outside of campus…Dip a toe into the open mic scene.”In closing, Nancherla said, “I had a great time, and I love that you guys bring comedy to your school.”