By Kate Augusto
In an effort to curb the potentially negative consequences of rising college tuition, U.S. Sen. Edward M. Kennedy, D-Mass., held a hearing last Friday to address the affordability of higher education.
As part of the reauthorization of the Higher Education Act of 1965, Kennedy, who is chair of the United States Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee, introduced three bills to help students and their families afford college.
Christian Dalomba, a senior computer and information science major, feels legislation is long overdue.
“I’ve taken out a few loans, mostly through school, and I’m dreading paying them off, as is everyone else I know who’s graduating,” Dalomba said. “When I graduate, I will be trying to find a place on my own and I’ll have a lot of bills on my plate. I would stress out a lot less if there was something being done about it.”
One of Kennedy’s goals is to ease the transition of college graduates into the work place.
“It’s very important to assist students