SGA announces Snell bathroom renovations
Snell will be closing for part of the weekend.
October 8, 2019
The Student Government Association, or SGA, announced new bathrooms will be installed on the second, third and fourth floors of Snell Library this semester.
Cameron Woods, a spokesperson for the SGA, said SGA President Chris Brown and Snell Library employees saw the bathroom renovations as a priority because of frequent overcrowding.
“Between the hours of 4 and 7 p.m., a lot of people are trying to study, and they just get crowded,” Woods said.
The SGA and Snell Library staff ultimately decided to install new bathrooms rather than adding more stalls to the old ones.
Woods said the SGA did not immediately receive the funding they needed from Northeastern. “I don’t think the university saw it as a priority,” he said.
SGA officials see the “tipping point” in getting the funding for the project as when the university’s Board of Trustees visited Snell and saw the state of the bathrooms. Shortly thereafter, the Board approved the renovations.
While construction of the new bathrooms has already begun, the completion date is still unknown.
“The final date has been kinda up in the air,” Woods said. “I think now we’re looking more toward early November.”