This segment should probably be renamed the top reason why Northeastern needs a new football stadium. Either that or student apathy had taken another step forward.
Northeastern coach Don Brown looked like a maestro on the sidlines. The Huskies made some serious hay this year capturing the Atlantic-10 conference title and earned the fourth seed in a 16-team 1-AA playoff ring.
Although the Huskies lost to Fordham 29-24 after having home field advantage, NU delighted its fans by playing sparkling defense behind attack artists Steve Anzalone, Liam Ezekiel and Art Smith. And a solid running game that Tim Gale and Anthony Riley made strong. Quarterback Shawn Brady made the offense click as he, combined with a big, athletic offensive line, made the throws nescessary to win.
During a home game against Rhode Island, Brady threw five touchdown passes to lead the Huskies to a big victory. He also made a key touchdown pass late in the third quarter of a game at Harvard. The Huskies took the lead in the contest and eventually won the game. Brown was nominated for coach of the year and received the Atlantic-10’s best man award.
Now, if ANYONE still thinks that this is the worst team on campus, they may want to re-think things, or seek psychiatric supervision.
— Andy Cuneo