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The independent student newspaper of Northeastern University

The Huntington News

The independent student newspaper of Northeastern University

The Huntington News

The independent student newspaper of Northeastern University

The Huntington News


Kerry rallies student support

December 2, 2003

By C.G. Lynch As his supporters filed into the Boston University's George Sherman Union for a scheduled rally, senator and Democratic presidential nominee hopeful John Kerry waited in a small room upstairs, amidst a group of his most ardent student advocates. "These next weeks...

A look at the market

December 2, 2003

By Dennis Coppola Financial scandals may be one of the reasons why the Dow Jones Industrial (DJI) and NASDAQ have been sluggish in mid-November. According to CNBC, Putnam Investments was the first financial institution to be caught in the recent improper trading scandals....

Mixed emotions

December 2, 2003

By Max Lederman After starting the season 0-2, the Northeastern men's basketball team finished their tough, season-opening four game road trip with two impressive wins against Louisiana Monroe and West Virginia, giving them a 2-2 record on the infant season. Then, the Huskies...

Muslim woman explains the hijab

December 2, 2003

I want to say that I got the inspiration to write this commentary from Elyas, the president of the Islamic Society of Northeastern University (ISNU). While wondering what to write, I thought of the way the scarf we Muslim girls wear on our heads (called "hijab" in Arabic) has...

Mice ‘pour’ into Burstein

December 2, 2003

By C.G. Lynch Mice infestation and faulty ceiling tiles brought Boston Health Inspectional Services to Burstein Hall on Tuesday, Nov. 17, after a call came in from an anonymous student who lives in the building. Though the health officials on hand refused to be identified...

So much time and so much to do

December 2, 2003

For some, this holiday season marks the first spent away from home, while others have done it all before. Winter break lets students escape work and studying, but what is there to do in Boston during the holiday season when students are still here? As most universities have...

… while hockey supporter’s stomachs continue to churn after yet another loss

December 2, 2003

Sure, Northeastern men's hockey coach Bruce Crowder doesn't really look like Bill Murray from the movie "Groundhog Day," but lately, he probably feels like him. With Saturday night's 4-2 loss to second-ranked Boston College, NU extended the school's record for worst start...

Show me the money

December 2, 2003

By Stephen Sears Nearly 30 years ago, U.S. District Court Judge W. Arthur Garrity divided the city like never before, ordering forced busing to integrate Boston's public schools. Now, city officials are thinking of ending the practice. When Judge Garrity made his decision, he...

Current men’s hockey skid stumps clueless Jackson

December 2, 2003

In life, there are exactly three things you should never believe in: Santa Claus, those CD clubs that promise an entire collection of music for a fraction of a penny ... and the Northeastern men's hockey team. The reason for the last of the three, however, might surprise...

Northeastern Crime Log

December 2, 2003

Crime Log entries are selected from Northeastern's Division of Public Safety reports. Tuesday, November 18 11:30 p.m. A Resident Assistant from Willis Hall reported an odor of marijuana on the sixth floor. NUPD responded and found a 19-year-old male student and his 19-year-old...

Iraq Part Two: The Reconstruction

December 2, 2003

While it seems everyone in America has a different opinion on Iraq, (which, by the way, would lose you an opposable digit if you actually lived in the Middle East) I think the fundamental question is often overlooked. The popular question asked should be: "How do we fix this?"...

Flava in Ya Ear

December 2, 2003

By Carleton Atwater Technology is increasingly becoming a part of the music industry. Everyday, more MP3s become available on the Internet, with the debate continuing over online file sharing. The Northeastern News spoke with Paul Mobilio, a sophomore computer engineering major,...