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The independent student newspaper of Northeastern University

The Huntington News

The independent student newspaper of Northeastern University

The Huntington News

The independent student newspaper of Northeastern University

The Huntington News


Romney coasts by O’Brien

November 5, 2002

Shannon O'Brien will not be the first female in Massachusetts history elected to the governor's office. Going into Tuesday's election, Republican candidate Mitt Romney and Democratic candidate O'Brien both stated the election would be one of the closest in years. Today, Governor...

Canines outshoot BC, but end with a tie

November 5, 2002

By Kimberly Peterson CHESTNUT HILL - When a team outplays, out-skates, out-shoots, and out-checks another team, victory usually comes their way. Somebody must have forgot to tell that to Northeastern last Sunday, as they skated to a 3-3 tie against Boston College at Kelley rink....

Love is stronger than hate

November 5, 2002

On Oct. 29th at Northeastern, Malaka Bublil shared how she and her family fled Libya in 1967 due to the oppression and persecution of the Jews in the Middle East. Jews in "Arab States" predated the 7th century C.E. Arab-Muslim conquests of these territories by over a thousand...

From wrestling to the voting booth

November 5, 2002

The event was moved inside, the roster was altered, and the main event was over a half hour late. But all in all, the rally was a success. Approximately 250 students showed up to the Curry Student Center in anticipation of the arrival of four WWE superstars; Kane, the Hurricane,...

Trekkers finish eighth in AE Championships

November 5, 2002

By Dwayne Dahlbeck Last weekend's America East Championships could have been worse for the cross-country teams; they could have been Hartford. The Hawks were the only thing keeping the Huskies out of last place last Saturday at Franklin Park, as both the men's and women's...

Meet the Sim Man

November 5, 2002

By Jessica Legnos Meet Sim Man. Most nursing students already have. This $35,000 life-like patient is housed within the recently erected walls of the Behrakis Building, and is giving students an unusual approach to learning. Sim Man, a human patient simulator created by Laerdal...

Crime Log

November 3, 2002

A large amount of lost personal belongings from the Marino Center was brought to public safety. If you have recently lost earrings, watches, rings, necklaces, charms, bracelets, glasses, keys, tapes, CDs or portable CD players, you can stop by Public Safety on Columbus Avenue...

Angelic Wars

October 29, 2002

In my mind, they are the California Angels, not Anaheim. They are the miracle of the baseball world and they, by far, exceeded any expectations that any prognosticators had set for them entering the season. I can't help but think how closely they resemble another team we talked...

Northeastern wins vaunted dog-fight in the water

October 29, 2002

By Jon Litchfield Sarah Reddick won two events in her first collegiate meet as the swimming and diving team rode the backstroke of Katie Schmaling to victory over Boston University 173-124 on Saturday at Faneuil Pool. "It was the first meet so we had a couple of glitches,"...

Autumn: ‘Tis the season, Haunted New England

October 29, 2002

A bone gnawing chill has finally settled in the air. The sky has turned the kind of steel gray one only expects before some terrible disaster. By the time the last of Northeastern's day classes are dismissed, night has already settled onto the city; cold, dark and elusively...

Forum discusses abortion access

October 29, 2002

By Jessica Legnos Activists from the Boston area representing each side of the abortion debate met in Blackman Auditorium, Thursday, for a non-combative 'public conversation' hosted by the Ford Hall Forum. Prompted by the 1994 shooting at a Brookline Planned Parenthood clinic...

Man on the street style

October 29, 2002

By Margarita Neplokh Once again, we embark on this lovely journey on our fashion boat of sorts to ride the rivers of the sea of fashion and beauty, but we keep coming back to the same place quite a few times. California seems to have a very flourishing fashion scene, despite...