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The independent student newspaper of Northeastern University

The Huntington News

The independent student newspaper of Northeastern University

The Huntington News

The independent student newspaper of Northeastern University

The Huntington News

Crime Logs

Crime Log: Oct. 27-Nov. 2

November 6, 2014

Compiled by Stephanie Eisemann Monday, Oct. 27 11:16 a.m. Northeastern University Police Department (NUPD) reported graffiti on the No Smoking signs near the black ball entrance of afterHOURS. A report was filed. 1:12 p.m. A student notified NUPD that her black Swiss...

Crime Log: Oct. 20-26

October 30, 2014

Compiled by Stephanie Eisemann Monday, Oct. 20 4:57 p.m. A Northeastern University (NU) staff member contacted the Northeastern University Police Department (NUPD) to report a group of skateboarders performing stunts on the steps of Snell Library. An officer responded...

Crime Log: Oct. 13-19

October 22, 2014
A Northeastern student reported that a male compelled him to deposit a check and withdraw $720 in cash from the Bank of America ATM located at 285 Huntington Ave. No weapons or threats were used during the incident, which occurred at 7:25 p.m., after which the victim immediately walked to NUPD headquarters to report the incident. The Boston Police Department (BPD) was notified, and a report was filed.

Crime Log: Oct. 6-12

October 16, 2014
A Northeastern University (NU) student reported her red mountain bike was stolen from its locked position outside West Village A North between 11:30 a.m. and 7 p.m. A report was filed.

Crime Log: Sept. 29-Oct. 5

October 8, 2014
Monday, Sept. 29 10:32 a.m. A Northeastern University (NU) student reported to NUPD headquarters that he and his teammates on the men’s cross country team left their shirts outside Cabot Gym while running between 6:40 a.m. and 7:15 a.m. and when they returned the clothing was missing. A report was filed.

Crime Log: Sept. 22-28

October 7, 2014
Entry of the Week: Friday, Sept. 26 @ 2:32 - 3:05 a.m. An intoxicated male student signing into a room in West Village F was reported. NUPD responded and spoke with the student who was conscious and alert. The underage student admitted to drinking and was referred to O.S.C.C.R. No medical transport was required. 30 minutes later another intoxicated male signing into a room in Speare Hall was reported. NUPD responded and spoke to the student who was conscious but not alert. Boston EMS was notified and transported the underage student to Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center. The RD was notified, and the student was referred to O.S.C.C.R.

Crime Log: Sept. 1-8

September 11, 2014
A student reported her roommate was smoking marijuana. Officers responded and spoke with both students in the hallway before being let in by the reported offender. The subject admitted to smoking marijuana with her two friends. The drugs (less than one ounce) and paraphernalia were later confiscated. A report was filed and action was referred to OSCCR.

Crime Log: Aug. 25-31

September 3, 2014
Entry of the week: Tuesday, August 26, 5:48 p.m. A student reported that two designer purses (one Louis Vuitton and one Prada) containing personal possessions were stolen from West Village H approximately two nights ago. Officers filed a report.

Crime Log: July 14-Aug. 2

August 16, 2014
Entry of the week: Monday, July 21, 2:03 p.m. A female not affiliated with the university reported parking her car on Speare Place behind the Marino Center and leaving it unattended with the windows down for ten minutes. When she returned at 2 p.m., her wallet containing $2,500 in addition to 3 ATM cards and 3 credit cards had been stolen.

Crime Log: June 16-30

July 17, 2014
Entry of the Week: Tuesday, June 24, 9:44 a.m. A Northeastern staff member reported that someone used a blow torch on a public locker on the third floor of Behrakis Hall. The locker and its lock were destroyed, but entry to the locker was not gained. The damage was photographed and a report was filed.

Crime Log: June 2-15

June 28, 2014
Entry of the Week: Tuesday, June 10, 11:36 a.m. A female was reported stealing two pints of Ben and Jerry’s ice cream from Wollaston’s in the Marino Center. The subject ran into Panera Bread, where she was stopped by an officer. She identified herself as “Ebonne Burke” which was found to be an alias after she was fingerprinted at the MBTA. The woman, not affiliated with the university, was found to have three outstanding misdemeanors warrants and one outstanding felony warrant for shoplifting. The charges from Wollaston’s were added to the arrest and the ice cream was recovered from the street.

Crime Log: May 19-June 3

June 5, 2014
The Northeastern police department assisted MBTA forces when a fight broke out on the lower platform of Ruggles Station, involving an umbrella as a weapon. Officers then assisted transit police with one of the subjects who was arrested for disorderly conduct and resisting arrest. The subject was not affiliated with the university.