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The independent student newspaper of Northeastern University

The Huntington News

The independent student newspaper of Northeastern University

The Huntington News

The independent student newspaper of Northeastern University

The Huntington News


Editorial: The backlash to Aziz Ansari scandal is discouraging for us all

The Editorial Board January 25, 2018
The response to the Aziz Ansari scandal says a lot more about the culture around sexual assault than it does about either the accuser or the accused.
Signs at the Women's March in Cambridge. This sign reads, “We are many, we are might, we are not going anywhere, except into elected office.” / Photo by Alex Melagrano.

Op-Ed: Women’s March excludes transgender community

January 24, 2018
The women's march has become a powerful movement. Increasingly, those involved in the movement need to prioritize inclusivity and education on what feminism actually means.
Column: Professor politics can be uncomfortable in an unexpected way

Column: Professor politics can be uncomfortable in an unexpected way

January 24, 2018
Professors need to keep their political leanings out of lessons. Rather, they should bring them up as clear opinions in discussions, where students can offer other perspectives.
Aoun unveils freshman housing...

Cartoon: Aoun unveils freshman housing

January 23, 2018
News Illustration by Pete McKay.
Column: What’s the ‘experiential learning’ equivalent for professors?

Column: What’s the ‘experiential learning’ equivalent for professors?

January 18, 2018
Northeastern loves “experiential learning.” So why don’t we demand that of our professors?
Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman

Op-ed: A crown prince is not a revolutionary

January 18, 2018
The New York Times ran an op-ed on its front page titled “Saudi Arabia’s Arab Spring, at Last,” in which Thomas Friedman likened bin Salman’s ascension to the revolutionary waves of the Arab Spring. Aside from being offensive to the millions who risked their lives during those popular uprisings, this comparison is flat-out wrong. He has shown no interest in real reform for Saudi Arabia.
Graduating seniors watch the commencement ceremony.

Editorial: Success doesn’t come from major

The Editorial Board January 18, 2018
It is not an issue that adults expect the next generation to have an organized plan for their life, but it has reached the level where it is part of our culture to judge groups of people based on their college major. Even more concerning is the influence that our salary-obsessed society has on where money is allocated within schools and universities.
Illustration by Oriana Timsit

Cartoon: Ban Winter!

January 18, 2018
News Illustration by Oriana Timsit.

Editorial: We must be aware of emerging technology’s risks

The Editorial Board January 11, 2018
Consumers need to adapt to the concept that they too are responsible for their digital footprint. We cannot remain a faceless mass, unhesitatingly waiting in line for the technology that could well become our undoing.
News Staff Photo/Maria Amasanti

Op-ed: Campus Solidarity with Palestinians will not be Silenced

December 8, 2017
All students deserve to feel safe and comfortable on campus, but Palestinian students cannot feel safe when the military that occupies the land of their families and loved ones is invited to host a promotional event at their university.
Column: Partisan politics go too far

Column: Partisan politics go too far

December 6, 2017
What we have today, however, is barely partisanship. It’s partisanship pushed to its absolute extreme. Behavior from both Democrats and Republicans more closely resembles blind tribalism than anything. The clearest and most shocking example of this is the Roy Moore senatorial campaign.

Op-ed: A thank you note to sexual violence survivors

December 6, 2017
Thank you for your courage. Thank you for getting up each day and stepping into the world. Thank you for setting an example for the rest of us. Thank you for facing your fears, for overcoming your fears and for conquering your fears. Would that the rest of us had a fraction of your courage.