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The independent student newspaper of Northeastern University

The Huntington News

The independent student newspaper of Northeastern University

The Huntington News

The independent student newspaper of Northeastern University

The Huntington News


What Boston Summers Have To Offer

May 8, 2013
With the white blanket of snow gone and the summer sun out, the Northeastern campus may be a little silent but Boston continues to offer a variety of options to keep Huskies busy throughout summer vacation.

Best of NU: Best Campus Eatery

April 18, 2013
Chicken Lou’s, a bastion of Northeastern good eats, reigns supreme once again. The tiny grab-and-go, get-anything-fried sandwich joint defended its 13th consecutive best campus eatery title. Scoring a 40 percent plurality, the shop was set apart from second place Boloco (19 percent) by more than twice as many votes. Newer, trendier challengers, such as those added to the Curry Student Center this year, couldn’t match this veteran – UBurger took third place with 11 percent.

Best of NU: Best Campus Dining Hall

April 18, 2013
If it’s lunchtime and there’s a clear lack of students and faculty on campus, it’s a safe bet that they’re all standing in the sandwich or grill line at Rebecca’s Café. The meal-swipe-friendly eatery in the basement of Churchill Hall won Best Dining Hall on campus this year, with almost half the votes. Students seem to like it for its plethora of sandwiches such as Turkey and Apple and grill items like the delicious chicken tenders, that often come with a side and drink and are easy to pick up between classes or for lunch outside.

Best of NU: Best Crime Log Entry

April 18, 2013
College towns tend to be associated with a certain amount of juvenile debauchery. Therefore, it only seems appropriate that Boston, as America’s college town, is the Mecca of these not-always-harmless antics.

Best of NU: Best Sports Moment

April 18, 2013
Last year’s 7-1 loss to Boston College in the first round of the Beanpot left a bad taste in Northeastern students’ mouths – expectations weren’t exactly high for the first round of the 2013 Beanpot against Boston University.

Best of NU: Best Campus Bar

April 18, 2013
With its dive bar atmosphere, plethora of Northeastern students and people sporting sweatshirts and gym clothes, it’s safe to say that almost anyone can feel comfortable at Conor Larkin’s, which once again snagged the title of Best Campus Bar.

Best of NU: Best Pizza

April 18, 2013
On any college campus, pizza is an absolute staple. With its five pizzerias, along with options at all the dining halls, one thing is clear: Northeastern loves pizza. So this year, Best Pizza was added as a category on the Best of NU, and the honor – given to Il Mondo pizza – is a big one. Il Mondo is just a short walk from campus down Huntington Avenue past the MFA. There are many students who have never ventured to the restaurant, but those who have are hooked.

Best of NU: Best Celebrity Appearance

April 18, 2013
Each year Northeastern groups bring a slew of celebrities to campus. Some share their knowledge, some make us laugh, but undoubtedly some are more eccentric than others. This year’s Best Celebrity Appearance went to Sarah Silverman, the foul-mouthed comedian known for going into detail about topics no one wants to hear about.

Best of NU: Best Restaurant

April 18, 2013
As one of Northeastern’s favorite eateries, Symphony Sushi has nestled its way into our hearts and bellies by offering accessibility, variety and affordability.

Samurai! exhibit makes its US debut at the MFA, explores collection from Japan

April 18, 2013
The thought of a Japanese samurai may bring many images to mind. Some of these might include samurai wielding swords in one-on-one combat or in battle. But as art? That is a new one.

From dorm room to radio station: WRBB celebrates its 50th anniversary

April 18, 2013
It might be simple to walk by. On the back side of Curry Student Center on the upper level, past the Student Employment office and near the Community Services office, but not quite out the exit, is the home of Northeastern’s student free-form radio station, WRBB. Though small, it’s powerful – tuning into 104.9 FM will delight you with an eclectic music mix, a handful of personal shows by students and, on big game days, live broadcasts of Husky pride.

Inside column: College is…

April 18, 2013
College is crying, silently, on the plane, in the cab and up the elevator. You drop your bags at the door, smear your sopping face on your sleeve and fan away tears, mentally preparing – and failing – to appear happy. Or just, not sad. I should be excited to start sophomore year.