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The independent student newspaper of Northeastern University

The Huntington News

The independent student newspaper of Northeastern University

The Huntington News

The independent student newspaper of Northeastern University

The Huntington News


Inside Ambush: What is your favorite Halloween candy?

October 18, 2012
What is your favorite Halloween candy?

Events calendar: Oct. 18-24

October 18, 2012
Sunday, Oct. 21 He is a fashion photographer who is renowned in our time. His photographs can be seen in magazines such as Vogue, Allure and Vanity Fair. Mario Testino’s photographs highlight beauty, style and elegance in a compelling way. His exhibition, “Mario Testino: In Your Face,” is the first one in the United States and showcases the brilliant range of his photographs over his 30-year career. His exhibition features beautiful and sophisticated images of celebrities including Gwyneth Paltrow, Kate Moss, Nicole Kidman, Gisele Bündchen, Lady Gaga, Madonna, Brad Pitt and David Beckham. The “Mario Testino: In Your Face” exhibit, which begins Sunday, is all about recreating Testino’s world and the artists he photographs. The exhibit will also include a gallery dedicated to the British Royal Portraits. See for yourself and experience his remarkable work as if you stepped into the pages of one of today’s renowned fashion magazines. Museum of Fine Arts, 465 Huntington Ave. 10 a.m.; Free;

“One Flea Spare” sets tone for NU theatre season

October 11, 2012
Northeastern’s theatre department raised the curtain Tuesday on its newest show, the five-actor production of Naomi Wallace’s play “One Flea Spare.”

On Whit’s end: Trend alert with Whitney Port

October 11, 2012
“Chokers are making a comeback this season, body jewelry, printed, embellished and fabricated jeans are going to be big, as well as leather pants, which are always a must-have,” Port said.

On Whit’s end: Whitney Port of “The Hills” speaks with aspiring fashionistas

October 11, 2012
They gathered in Blackman Auditorium on Oct. 4 to hear Whitney Port of MTV fame speak about her charitable efforts, her time on reality TV and her fashion line.

Zombies, iPads are subjects of funny parody books

October 11, 2012
From Elizabethan romance to zombie fiction, literature is always changing, and a new revolution of “parody books” has started hitting shelves, poking fun at classics and new young adult fiction alike, from “Pride and Prejudice” to “The Hunger Games.”

Inside Ambush: What is your favorite scary movie?

October 11, 2012
From horror to bloody and gory films, ‘tis the season to be frightened. We ambushed four students to see what their favorite scary movies are during this Halloween season.

Inside Column: An extraterrestrial fear

October 11, 2012
My name is Maureen Quinlan and I am deathly and pathologically afraid of E.T.

Choose Your Own Adventure brings kid novels to life with grown-up fun

October 3, 2012
Banditos Misteriosos, a Boston-based organization dedicated to creating fun, family-friendly programs and events, hosted the third annual Choose Your Own Adventure on Sept. 29.

“Perks of Being a Wallflower” not just another coming-of-age book to movie

October 3, 2012
Something about author, screenwriter and director Stephen Chbosky’s story, his profoundly deep understanding of the struggling young adult, touches closer to home.

New music app, Timbre, changing the concert scene

October 3, 2012
It’s not every day big name musicians come to Boston, which leaves music lovers searching for something new. It can be difficult when a concert sounds interesting but the band’s music isn’t blaring on the radio every three hours. A new iphone application will have the adventurous and the shy concert-goers of the world rejoicing together.

Column: Defending Boston

October 3, 2012
I have a good friend who grew up in New York City and, unsurprisingly, she takes every opportunity she can to give me a whole spiel about why a life outside of New York isn’t worth living. So when I told her that I would choose Boston over New York any day of the week, I thought she might kill me – if she didn’t go into cardiac arrest first.