By Justin Rebello
The other night, I took a walk over to Store 24 for some delicious Ben ‘ Jerry’s ice cream (Chunky Monkey represent!). It was 3 a.m. I wasn’t worried. I walked down Columbus, over the Gainsborough Street Bridge, while the security guard was passed out in his phone booth office. I wasn’t concerned. I crossed Huntington past various panhandlers, homeless people and raving psychopaths. I didn’t bat an eyelash. Walking back, I took my time putting my change back in my wallet, making several bills and credit cards visible to anyone who was looking. I took out my cell phone several times just to check the time. I felt safe.
Why do I feel so safe? Because of the Boston Police Department. Over the past few months, the tireless efforts of the BPD have made me feel confident to walk anywhere at any time without fear. Their stellar police work has kept the Northeastern area safe.
Oh sure, a woman was just raped over by Mission Hill, but is that really a big deal?
And yes, two brothers were stabbed in front of Symphony Market by a panhandler. But that happens all the time.
Yeah, I realize an 11-year-old boy was shot during football practice in broad daylight at Carter Park. Hey, nobody’s perfect.
Besides, shooting, stabbings, rapes, murders? Those aren’t important. These are policemen for Christ’s sake! They have more pressing issues to deal with. Even as you’re reading this, 18 and 19-year-old students are drinking alcohol. Some purchased it with fake IDs. Others manipulated poor, na