By Tom Kneafsey is a junior journalism major and the former president of CUP
It’s a sad day when a conversation that could have been had over coffee or lunch gets played out via a scathing letter to the editor. Last edition’s “CUP’s complaining more like ‘bratty whines’ (July 21)” concerning the coverage of the Council for University Programs’ budget was unnecessary and misses the point.
First, let’s be real. CUP’s budget isn’t $170,000 out of a $180,000 pool. No, it’s out of a pool of around $1.5 million after this past year’s money rolls over. CUP has spent wisely, and we’re constantly called on for improvement, which often involves a funding increase. I was answering a question about the budget proposal process and CUP’s budget. I wasn’t talking about the Student Activity Fee’s structure — and the author of the commentary shouldn’t have assumed my viewpoints as she did — because she got them wrong.
As for the concert — I said the money for this fall’s show (which is the postponed concert) should come from exactly where the postponed concert money went into. Instead, it is coming from a different pool — a move, which might adversely affect next year’s Springfest, which nobody I know wanted to do. The author would have either the postponed concert or a Springfest concert — forgive CUP for thinking about having both.
CUP is one of the most welcoming organizations that exists. Students don’t need one form, signature or reason to join. If they show up, they are part of CUP for that hour or that event or that year. The author is welcome to the next CUP meeting, as she has been for all her years here.
I get labeled greedy and whiny by someone who never took it upon herself to say “hi” or to drop me an e-mail. Ouch — talk about a rush to judgement.
I hope I didn’t contribute to this nasty shift towards those involved getting way too serious about themselves. Fault me if I did, and lighten up.