Dear Editor, The following should interest a great many of your readers especially those involved with the arts and/or have Irish affiliations. Thank You, The Bogside Artists. PRESS RELEASE DERRY, N.IRELAND. Jan 31, 2005 The City Council of Derry in Northern Ireland, a place that has lived through over 30 years of political conflict will draft a second letter to Berlin President Herr Momper asking him, once again, to give an acceptable explanation as to why he cancelled an exhibition of the artists’ work that was contracted to be shown in the Parliament Gallery last November. This has been seen as a profound insult to the history and experience of the vast majority of people in the city. The Bogside Artists have exhibited their work in the UK, Australia and Europe. They have also exhibited in the USA, most notably in The Boston State House as well as Boston College and The Irish Centre in New York. For all the facts on this story download <a href="″> What Next? Perhaps there is an intrepid reporter among you who has the will to find out what Momper is up to? One question you might consider asking him is this:
“Do you feel you are justified in ignoring the entreaties of The Irish Ambassador, the Derry City Council and Nobel Peace Laureate John Hume all of whom have asked you for an explanation about a matter that concerns all three personally as well as professionally?”
Here is Momper’s contact information.
Email: walter.momper@parlament- Tel: (030) 23252325. Fax: (030) 23251008
Biographical Information about The Bogside Artists. About The Bogside Artists The Bogside Artists are renowned for the murals they have painted for the Bogside area of Derry City. You can find photos of these at the link below. The site is authored by Magee College of Derry. They are also engaged daily in cross-community workshops at their studio in The Bogside. Website: Authors The Bogside Artists The Bogside Artists Studio 7 Meenan Square. Derry City BT489HH. N.Ireland. email: [email protected] phone/fax: 71-373842