By Meredith Carling, News Correspondent
On a Thursday night in early March, the speakers of the Middle East Downstairs were blasting as crowds of people gathered towards the stage. The music fiends were curious as to who the band was; they were rocking while creating an energy with the people.
The band is The First Annual, which showcases the talents of two Northeastern alumni: Steve Zuretti, a 2008 graduate with a philosophy degree, and Danielle Capalbo, a 2010 journalism graduate and a former Inside editor of The Huntington News. Their first EP, Carolina, was released by Triple B Records last summer; now, The First Annual are developing a full-length album and are touring half of the country in Summer 2011.
When not planning for the future and practicing, the band plays shows in venues around Boston, where they are based. Capalbo and Zuretti are both guitarists and singers for The First Annual. The two happened to meet in a music class at Northeastern and their similar musical tastes led to them becoming band mates. The rest of the band consists of Jeff Torrice on guitar, Greg Kell on bass, and Zac Torrice on drums.
Huntington News: How did The First Annual form?
Steve Zuretti: The band was created in September 2009. Jeff and I have been childhood friends, and Zac is his brother. I knew Greg because I was in another band with him at a different time. And I met Danielle in class at Northeastern.
HN: What was it like having your first EP released on iTunes last summer?
SZ: Before Danielle was in the band we released a four-song EP. It was signed by Triple B Records, which is Boston based. It is largely a punk record company, so our alternative style was a new experiment for them. The EP is available on seven-inch vinyl and on the iTunes store, and can be downloaded on our website.
Zac Torrice: It was very exciting for us to finally get on there; it was a big step for the band and legitimized the band really for the first time.
HN: Where does everyone in the band live, and how do you practice?
Danielle Capalbo: We practice every Sunday. I live in Connecticut, so every Sunday I make the trip up here, and for shows. Everyone else lives in Boston.
HN: How have things been going for the band?
SZ: Pretty good. Recent press has included AMP Magazine labeling us as a great unsigned band to check out and Punk News did a write-up on us and featured a few of our songs as exclusive streams. We’ve also made some headway with frequent college radio rotation. Things started slow but are picking up. As we continue to play in Boston, the reactions are good.
HN: What are The First Annual’s goals?
SZ: Our near-term goal is that we are in the process of planning a tour for this summer. It will be through the Northeast and Midwest. Our long-term goal is that we are writing a full-length album. We ultimately want it to be released in 2011 or 2012.
DC: I would say another goal is to make a record that other people like as much as we do. We get really excited about it. We like it when people feel really positive and connected to it.
SZ: That would be awesome to know that our music made someone else’s day better.
HN: What do you use for inspiration to write new music?
DC: I actually write when I’m frustrated or stressed. It’s a very therapeutic process.
SZ: I agree. Also, if I hear a really awesome song, that could inspire me to write some lyrics.
ZT: I think we all have to be in the right state of mind. We have to be loose and energized. We all inspire each other.
HN: Which venues in Boston do you frequent?
SZ: We play here, at the Middle East, T.T. the Bear’s, O’Brien’s Pub, Precinct in Union Square, VFW Hall. We mostly play anywhere that we can. It’s a rarity that we turn down a show.
HN: What do the band members do when not working for The First Annual?
DC: I work for a daily newspaper in Norwalk, Connecticut.
SZ: I currently work for an organization representing a number of energy companies throughout New England. I’ve been here since I graduated. As for the rest of the band, Greg works in marketing, Zac is still pursuing a degree, and Jeff works in freelance photography.
HN: Your musical inspirations are listed as Counting Crows, The Beatles, Ryan Adams, Tom Petty and Bruce Springsteen. Does any of your music specifically take after any of these artists?
SZ: I’m not sure about in the writing process. We mostly write whatever sounds good and flesh out the rest. Also, the other guys have pretty diverse musical interests, so that helps.
ZT: Yeah definitely. We really love the stripped down rock ’n‘ roll from a band like the Heartbreakers, it’s something we strive for in our own writing. I think simplicity is key and honesty will always relate to listeners.